omg! sproat lake was awesome times ten hundred! well, first here's some
pics from when me and lauren went to sooke potholes. it so nice there.
a bunch of ppl were cliff jumping, it looked scary, since the water's
not really that deep.
here's the sproat lake stuff. it was reaaaally fun. a majority of the
day we were down at the dock, and i actually got to try a load of
stuff. i got to wakeboard!! i've been wanting to try since me and erin
went to shawny lake for that waterific camp. i actually did good i
think. like the first 3 tries i could stand up but i couldnt stay up,
but after that i didn't fall at all. until we went over waves and such
and i couldn't hold on. And then i got to kneeboard which i haven't
done before either. ali taught me how to do a 360!! we went at the same
time and she showed me how. so after about the twelth time of wiping
out when i turned backwards, i finally did it, it was quite the
accomplishment. And then i went tubing with ali and.... i don't
remember who else. oh wait it was kevin. omg i think i got the most
battle wounds from tubing. it was so wicked (yes, wicked). i decided to
sit with my butt in the tube cuz i figured i would stay in better (it
didn't prevent me from flipping over tho). omg ali was like flying! it
was funny watching her try to hang on. so harsh whiplash and completely
soar after that. and all that i've mentioned so far was just the first
morning. omg and then we went tubing again the next day with five ppl
and 3 tubes! it was sooooo fun! me and ali shared a tube at first, with
one knee in the tube. (i mention this cuz my knee is like burnt from
rubbing against the bottom, it felt like it was on fia afterwards).
that was awesome. fell out sooo many times. ali was dragging behind the
tube for a while. oh wait, i was too. anyways, that was the most
exciting stuff, which there was unfortunately no pics of.
ali got her hands on my camera for alot of the trip, so u'll see alot of these:
they had a trampoline so naturally we took jumping pics
favourite one:
on the second day we all boated out to this bay, i don't remember the
name of it. so me and ali brought the camera on the water when we were
swimming around and started taking pictures. btw i already know i look
creepay in this one
fave ali pic, she looks like some creepy fish slash pedifile
this seriously reminds me of popeye the sailor man
i warned you
ok lets see if i got all their names downpacked. the first guy having a
drink is cam, behind him is ruby, the other lady is... oh god i don't
remember her name. then graham, and theresa's reading up front.
this was ment to be upside down. kevin was playing his guitar in the cabin of the boat.
guess who?!
lol this is awesome
im proud to say that I coloured this naked mermaid
moi joueing pool avec graham
one night me, ali, theresa, and kevin went down to the dock, but we
weren't allowed to light the fake fire so we used tea lights and played
with the wax.
practise shot
the real thang. everyone's posing cuz they weren't supposed to move
i made a wax cast of my finger. this was to mark the halfway point:
and of course the final product
kevin made a lil man and then put it over a candle, so it basically looks like his crotch is on fiya
then he made a boat. its hard to see cuz there's a burning wick in it.
more of this goodness
I COULD HAVE DROWNDED! ali's using her lg skills (lifeguarding)
graham swimming
graham washing hair
ali and theresa tubing
the work of ali
graham rowin
glen (im pretty sure thats his name)
more graham
kevin kept shrugging like so
and last but definately not least an obese one of me
im soooooo glad ali invited me there, it was soooooooooo fun.
pce out