someone shoot me in the effing head - soon
what do i have to live for anymore? my boyfriend and bff?
boys cause the trouble, and the reason im living is for two! WTF!
lets count the bad & goods of Jan. 11th 2005
- i saw my boyfriend!
- james got his check
- porshia and dustin are together =))
- i got to hang out with Brad for like, SO long! haha too funny!
- i felt like shit
- i looked like shit
- i got treated like shit
- i got my report card
- it was shit
- bobby was an ASSSSSSSSSSSSHOLE today
- me and david did nothing but bitched all day at eachother
- i had to go to school
- i got my labtop taken away (tee-hee that actually should be under good)
- ive lost a numerous amount of friends(but gained many so thats so-so)
uggghhh lets see what wins?