Odds and Ends

Jul 18, 2009 11:17

We are leaving tomorrow to head to GA. I am excited, but a little worried b/c I don't have quite as much settled as I usually do before I head out on a trip, so I feel like I have more work to do.

We got 2 unexpected refunds this past month - we got a tax refund, and a refund from the health insurance company. We sure appreciate it, even though I still don't quite understand how we got the tax refund.

I think we will be starting our official house hunt when we get back from GA. Compared to our last year's income, we can't afford much, but compared to this year's income so far, we can do way better than last year, so I'm not really sure what to go by. We for sure need to figure that out before we start looking at houses.

I think my nephew is ridiculously cute.

Our last vacation (to the beach) was wonderful; I hope this one is just as wonderful, even though it will have to be in a different way. :)

I still struggle with wanting to work in the summer. It will be worse when we get back and I actually have 7-8 students in a row in one day, two days a week for the rest of the summer.
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