Multi-Tasking: Phone Conversations With Family While Writing

Jun 02, 2009 01:53

Worked on world design tonight. Much of it while on the phone with my mother. I'm not 100% sure what it says about her, or me or our relationship that we had a 3:25 conversation and that I was writing for most of it. I heard 90% of what she was saying, and was able to offer helpful feedback or sympathy as needed. The only thing I like about living some distance from my mom (whom I adore) is that I can multi-task while talking to her (especially while she's talking to me) and it doesn't bother her. She's even acclimated herself to the concept. But when I'm with her in the flesh, she still has a difficult time if I'm not making eye-contact with her believing that I'm listening.

The world of word-meters hates me a lot at the moment. Mathematically though the stats are: 1277 words, out of a 32,000 goal, equals 4% done! with World Design.

writing, progress, family

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