House, Mosh Pits, and Harry Potter...

Nov 03, 2005 23:02

Hey again, haven't updated in a while! So here begins yet another post involving pointless ramblings ;)

Well, another show I absolutely love is House. I've only watched a couple episodes and I'm hooked! I watched Tuesday's episode, and Ron Livingston (from Office Space) was on the show. It was hilarious watching House try to push this guy's buttons - his dry sense of humor totally cracks me up! I think Hugh Laurie is pretty great - I didn't even know he's British! He does a good job with the American accent, almost as good as JM did with the English accent :D

Let's see, what else... hmm, well, Yellowcard had a show at my University, and they were awesome! (If anyone isn't familiar with Yellowcard, they're a semi-punk rock group that also has a violin player... yep, and I lurve that violin player... hehe) But alas, I do have a bad track record with mosh pits. The first time I ever went to a rock concert, a crowd surfer fell right on top of me and I was pinned to the ground for a lot longer than I'd like to have been. NOT fun! Then, at the Yellowcard concert, most of us were just standing around, singing, having a good time, but of course there's those people who feel the need to jump into and shove each other and act like idiots, which unfortunately resulted in me falling flat on my ass. So of course my initial reaction was to freak, because lying on the ground in the middle of a rowdy crowd at a rock concert is a good way to get yourself trampled! Thankfully, a couple guys helped me up before anything like that could happen. *sighs* Some people make it incredibly difficult to enjoy public events. *kicks all of them* LOL.

Also, I'm getting pretty excited to see the new Harry Potter movie, especially now that I'm all caught up reading the books. The movie comes out in a couple weeks! *yay*

Yep, that's the end of my rambling for now :-)
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