Aug 16, 2004 22:01
hey guys... today was a pretty boring day... but yesterday was the first day back at school since the hurricane...woohoo. it was actually a pretty good day. i absolutely LOVE kyle!!! he is my best friend and my boyfriend at the same time. today he wrote me a very sweet poem and got me roses... for no flippin reason... or his reason was "he loves me." no one ever did that for me. i mean i got roses and poems before... but they were always for valentines or birthday... never just spur of the moment. i can seriously see this being a long term relationship instead of a one week fling... my friends tell me theyve never seen me so upbeat and truely happy before at school. i dunno... ive been a lot less stressed then i was last year. well... tomorrow theres no school n im goin 2 kyles house... n over the weekend i might go 2 his dads house in cocoa beach. i dunno if i told u guys but his dad owns this big surf shop up in cocoa beach n kyle has 2 go up there over the weekends..that sucks cuz him n his bro r really close...but since his parents got divorced his mom got custody over kyle n his 2 lil sisters jenny and ashley (they r soo cute there twins) during the weekdays n his bro over the weekends... n kyle n his sisters go 2 see his dad over the weekend...n his bro goes 2 see his mom over da weekend... so he never gets 2 see his bro. his bro is really cool... i met him a couple of times. his whole family is pretty cool... i met them all just before the hurricane... his dad came down cuz he thot that the hurricane was gonna have a direct hit on cocoa beach.. his surf shop got it pretty bad... i saw pix. it looked bad. i offered to help out with the shop this weekend...since i dont hafta work at carvel cuz there still restockin cuz we lost A LOT of ice cream so theres no time 4 me 2 train til next monday. his dad is also gonna pay me like $150 i really dont wanna be paid cuz ill be haulin stuff and buildin... stuff...n honestly i dont no how much help i could possibly be at this kinda thing... but kyles bro has 2 stay at palm beach 4 now cuz hes helpin our neighbors n hes gettin paid pretty decently. i wanna help tho. anyway it should be a good workout n it should be pretty fun. so i dunno... *shrugs* i told them id help but i dont want money but there all like i insist and whatnot... anywayz i dont wanna bore u guys 2 much... not that theres anything else i could write about... so thats my entry!