Oct 25, 2006 18:41
I have been with my current boyfriend "on and off" for almost 2 years and there is no doubt that I love him. But yesterday, I talked to my ex and just like everytime I talk to him.. all those feelings I ever had for him just came right back. It has been over a year since we broke things off, and almost 6 months since I have even seen him yet I still care about him so much. Yesterday.. I asked him if he ever wonders what could have happened between us and he told me.. at least once a day. Now, how can a whole year have passed, both of us with partners, and still think about eachother everyday? I'm not saying that I would leave my boyfriend for him and I seriously doubt he would leave his girlfriend for me.. but I just feel like there is always going to be some kind of feeling between us.. something that I can't feel for anyone else. There is nothing wrong with wondering what could have happened as long as we don't act on it. But I also don't want it to wound my relationship now. I'm scared