(no subject)

Nov 29, 2006 19:34

I'm really sick of being dragged around like a little doll. It almost seems as if my boyfriend just likes to show me off to his friends but doesn't even pay attention to me or treat me special anymore. He joined a fraternity and for the 6 weeks he spent pledging, I was there every moment I could spend with him. I would rush from class, grab lunch to go, and run to his room to see him for 20 minutes. And now it's like he doesn't even care if he gets to see me or not. I'm really getting sick of him. He's changed so much and I don't want to put up with it. I am on the brink of ending things with him, but not because I want to, it's just that I'm fed up with not being treated like his GIRLFRIEND. I don't want to say that this change is all because of his fraternity because I love his brothers to death, but that's what it seems to be. He's extremely overzealous about it and I really feel like he's put me second to his frat on his list of priorities. I will not stay in a relationship like that. ALSO.. the guy I used to date over a year ago.. I still have feeling for. Feelings that I'm sure won't ever go away. Sometimes I think that I'm just with my boyfriend now because I'm waiting for him to come around. I don't know what I should do.. all I know is that I'm not happy and it's affecting my health and my grades and just my attitude overall. I'm fed up.
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