When I decided to leave my marriage, I knew it would probably mean that I would be alone a lot. I also knew I would be hard pressed to ever have a full family again, in the sense that I'd be single for a long while..... I'm a 26 year old mom of 2. I'm not even a hot mom.. The caliber of guy that I will be interested in would probably have too much sense to enter into a relationship with me, because of my kids.. And to that, I say fuck 'em because my babies aren't going anywhere.
Anyway, even though I completely understood what I was in for, it still sucks. Well, I like my alone time a lot, but I do miss having a steady consistent person in my life. Dating is fun, and I like meeting new people, but I'm kind of already over it. And at the same time, and I'm not sure how ready I am for it all anyways..
One day....
I'm medicated because of a new nasty cold, and my only comfort is my blanket.. Waaaaaahhhhh!
I painted something today that is my favorite thing I've done so far.. It's a gift, so I'm not showing it yet, but but I cannot wait to share it.
While the lack of twitterpation in my life is boring and lonely, I must say I have the most awesome people around me. I'm definitely enjoying hanging out with new people almost every week.. It helps take my mind of the petty crappie things. My cheeks hurt most nights from smiling and laughing.. I love my wok! That word was supposed to say work, and but wok is funny, and especially considering who reads this. But I do love my work. I do not own a wok.
I'm happy in life :)
But it is too quiet around here...
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