[+] SchoolingSo, a week ago I finished my last real semester as a grad student. I still have to do my thesis, but that is the only course I have to take to get my degree, and it's not even a real class. I don't have to go all the way downtown to attend class every week, I just have to meet my adviser every now and again to discuss my project. Since
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I haven't had the opportunity to watch The Avengers yet :( But I keep hearing how good it is. It has been a bit of a running joke around that Joss got lucky that Fox didn't cancel the movie half way through, and or air scenes out of order. lol
And I'm excited for Scotty in NextGen! I didn't know that! I know that Spock shows up sometime in season four, so sayeth Memory Alpha. So that will be happy making as well. It's a lot to watch though, so I hope I don't get too distracted for too long. That's what happened last time.
And that's crazy that they made both those women look so old! I don't watch Grey's but I guess it makes sense, being in a hospital and all, that they would make people look worse. It takes a brave actress to let someone do that to them. Seriously!!
The Avengers is really, really good. But I laughed out loud at the Fox jokes. I hadn't heard them, but it's so true! Oh, Firefly, how you hurt me so.
I did watch some of Once Upon a Time, though, and really liked that series, but how could I not? I need to finish the series. I also wanted to watch Terra Nova (downloaded the first series), but don't know if I should because it got canceled. Which was surprising and disappointing.
I cannot watch the US version of Being Human (even though I ♥ Sam Witwer (ever since he played Starkiller in The Force Unleashed) I just can't do it. I am SOO used to the UK cast I can't just watch wash rinse repeats of a show I love lol.
But I know what you mean so many shows just sort of go -here are the characters, you will like them, but you won't know why....we wont' tell you ANYTHING about them...so watch them...- It's like I need some substance please.
Because believe me I was excited when it was announced Syfy was doing it. Granted I was a little miffed they didn't just air the actual version of the show (like they did with Merlin. And on top of that called it an 'original' series.) but I was willing to work with it when I saw Witwer was Aiden or whatever the vamps name is in the US (which I think is funny cause that's the actor who plays Mitchell's real name :P) was all excited had it on my DVR watched it and I was like :_: I know what they are gonna say next! I think they even said Scottland Yard at one point too keeping the UK version of the jokes. So I was like O.o, but now that I know, I may give it another chance :) So thanks for letting me know :)
And I am a huuuuuuge Mitchell/Annie fan, so I was expecting to be all Aiden/Sally in the American series, but Josh/Sally really took me by surprise. He still has the plot line with his girl wolf thing (who I couldn't stand, then liked, then couldn't stand again), so I don't really think Josh/Sally will ever ACTUALLY happen. They just have great chemistry, and are really cute. Though, after this last season, they're getting my hopes up that they're going to at least ship tease some more. But I don't know, there are things that they do that make me think they might go in that direction (specifically the things they change. Like the end of season one and the spoilers for the start of season three.)
But I had to give it a few episodes, too, to get into it. But I was glad I stuck through season one, because season two was much better. It's usually like that for a lot of Syfy shows for me. This one, Warehouse 13, and Eureka. I liked Haven right away because of awesome. And I'm really hoping this is the case for Alphas, because I couldn't really get into the first season. AND I BLAME THAT ON NINA. Stoopid Nina...
Actually I have a lot of shows I need to catch up on lol. I've gotten bad. I will watch the first few episodes of something love it and then I'll get pulled out somewhere the next episode so I miss it and then I never go back to it :( Until I find out it's canceled and i'm like 'Well I guess there is no point in catching up now...' That happened with Alcatraz for me. I mean heck i'm five episodes behind of Game of Thrones (which started because we were late getting back from dinner at my parents house :_:) which for me is shame full. And I want to catch up by Sunday because it's the Battle of Blackwater and i'm really wondering how they put that down into a one hour episode. But I have faith since GRRM wrote that episode so I see it as, 'if something is left out he wrote the book so I guess I can't bitch' lol
The only series I've managed to not miss an episode of is Touch, but it helps that i'm a SAHM now so I don't have to worry about having to be up early in the morning to head to work. And thank god for Netflix being that Eden will be up every two hours to eat for the first little while it'll give me something to do in the wee hours of the morning lol.
I want to watch the Game of Thrones (I started watching it last year), but I want to finish the books for the seasons first and I keep getting distracted. I restarted the first book a few weeks ago and need to finish it, then I'll watch the first season. I liked what I saw/read so far, so I know it'll be epic. :3
I haven't even heard of "Touch", I'll have to look it up. And yay for Netflix! I had to cancel the discs for the summer because of budget, but I kept the streaming because I LOVES THE STREAMING. And it'll definitely come in handy for you when baby happens. When does baby happen?
I'm up to the fourth book in Thrones and I had to take a break. I pounded out the first three books in a month and my head was ready to explode lol. In a lot of ways I wish I didn't read so far ahead and did what a lot of people did and read the book AFTER watching the season so they could be surprised by what was to come. Because now that I know what is going to happen for the next few seasons it does feel like a lot of the surprise factor is gone. Though they are changing a few things here and there (more for this season then the last. I swear season 1 is like right off the pages) some of the changes are okay and some make me go "wtf are they thinking..." Though I just finally watched the episode that had Roy Dotrice! So cool to have that link since like you know he narrates the audio books (and does SUCH a good job). Now if only they could get Ron Perlman to play Mance Rider and my world would be set, since GRRM wrote Beauty and the Beast it would be like a giant reunion lol.
Touch is on Fox (and surprisingly made it past their mass cuts for next season) with Kiefer Sutherland. He plays the father of a boy that they label as autistic but that's not really a true label. But he has never said a word, but the father has found a way to communicate with him through numbers. But it's really hard to describe the series because it's one of those ones that sits and makes you sit there with your jaw on the floor by the stories. But here is a link to the trailer that advertised the series before it aired http://youtu.be/dvQ_qJYZ-7A
And I watched the trailer for Touch; it looks REALLY GOOD. I'll have to check it out! And good luck with baby having! :D
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