I Know You're Fine, But What Do I Do?

May 18, 2012 18:47

[+] Schooling
So, a week ago I finished my last real semester as a grad student. I still have to do my thesis, but that is the only course I have to take to get my degree, and it's not even a real class. I don't have to go all the way downtown to attend class every week, I just have to meet my adviser every now and again to discuss my project. Since I'm going to be doing creative writing, it's going to be a novella with a short analysis paper, which is going to be a lot of fun. I already know what I'm writing about, so I'm pretty excited.

This summer, I have to get everything set up, picking teachers and asking them to be my chairs, as well as getting everything under way. But I believe I'm finally done with writing essays, which is a great weight off my shoulders. 20 page essays really eat my soul! But I AM DONE WITH THEM! So yay for that.

[+] The Avengers
So, I finally saw the Avengers. I wanted to see it right away, but things started heating up with school and I really didn't have the time. Not to mention I was terrified that it would suck. I believe I mentioned before how there was so much going against this movie that it would take a miracle to succeed... well, there was a miracle, because the movie was freaking awesome! Aside from a little roughness at the very, VERY start, everything was completely brilliant, and Joss Whedon has my confidence once again. I loved the slow parts, as well as the action (I love me some character development), so I was very happy that I finally just bit the bullet and went. And I'm totally a fan of Hawkeye and Black Widow together now, so thanks a lot, Whedon! Subtext maketh me happy. I really hope Marvel continues with it's movie awesomeness, because the movies have been amazing lately. I actually want to see it again in the theater, but, as I'm on a fixed budget, I need to save money to see the other 5 million movies coming out this summer I want to see.

[+/-] Star Trek
Seeing as I have all this free time now, as it's summer vacation, I've been going through things on Netflix that need to be gone through, one of them being Star Trek (the other thing being Power Rangers... DON'T LAUGH AT ME). I've been meaning to watch all of it (as it's all on streaming, baby) for quite a while, and seeing as I have to go in order (it's in my basic programming), I naturally started with the Original Series. And, much like the first 66 issues of the X-Men, it was somewhat an ordeal to get through. It wasn't horrible, but it also wasn't the most amazing ever. I could see how it would have been ground breaking at it's time, but over the years, storytelling has evolved to be more in-depth, building on these great series to make even better ones, so there was always a hollowness to the episodes for me. I love the ideas, and the characters, but there was always something missing that couldn't get me completely engaged in the series. But it was nice to finally watch where the series I love (The Next Generation and Deep Space Nine) got their start from. I will say, though, when McCoy appeared on the first episode of The Next Generation, it affected me in a way it hadn't the first time I watched the series (I was like, "Who is this, and why do I care?" back then), which is why I wanted to watch the Original Series. So that I could hopefully get things, or care about things, I wouldn't have otherwise. Which worked, I guess.

So, yes, I started with The Next Generation right away, and I've only watched the first episode so far, but I am looking forward to finally finishing it (I hadn't before. I think I only got to the fourth... or fifth season), then moving on to finally watching Deep Space Nine (MY FAVORITE), in it's completeness then actually attempting to watch the other series I never watched before. I did watch a few episodes of Voyager when it was on (the episodes where SevenofNine is introduced) but none further than that. Then it's off to Farscape. I really need to not get distracted by Firefly, like it's attempting to do. No, Firefly. NO.

[+/-] Gears of War
Please, make it stop. ;_; I don't know what possessed me to buy these games, I'm not heavy into shooters. Oh, yeah, they were only five dollars on Amazon, that's why. But now I finally decided to try to play something a little more hardcore than I was used to (SEEING AS MASS EFFECT BROKE MY HEART), and it hurts, so bad. I haven't even gotten through Act I yet and I've died, I swear, like, 20 times. ON CASUAL. Not even an exaggeration. I know, I know, they're supposed to be challenging, and I haven't gotten to a part where I got stuck yet, but... I'm only on ACT I!! What's Act II... or III going to be like?! NOT TO MENTION THE REST OF THE GAME. I should just go back to fluffy bunnies and Kingdom Hearts... IF THEY WOULD FINALLY COME OUT WITH A FREAKING CONSOLE GAME! I'm not a fan of handheld systems, and I never will be, but I do play the Kingdom Hearts games on them because I love the series... BUT I AM SO SICK OF HANDHELDS!! VIDEO GAMES, WHY YOU HURT ME SO BAD!! ... Oh, yeah, I should finally finish Uncharted 3 because Naughty Dog hasn't STABBED ME IN THE BACK.... yet.

[+] How I Met Your Mother
Bride Reveal, yay. All I will say about that.

Moving on, how is you?

tv series: star trek: the original serie, tv series: star trek: the next generatio, series: star trek, video game: gears of war, tv series: star trek: deep space nine, movie: avengers, tv series: how i met your mother, school: csu

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