Hello, Livejournal! How Have You Been?

Apr 27, 2011 22:05

[+]The Life Stuff, Let's Get This Out of The Way

Okay, so, things with me have been pretty good. Still substitute teaching, still going to school for my Masters. Graduate courses are dense, but this semester I've been focusing on Creative Writing (last semester's Literature-Based classes were crazy!), so this semester has been a LOT better. I love my Creative Writing Workshop, and my Craft of Literature class has been awesome! Only two more weeks of class, and for once I'm not too stressed about getting everything done. I feel competent, like I can handle this work without breaking my mind. It's no surprise that I've decided to go for Creative Writing instead of Literature. ^_^ I still have to take two seminars, one more elective, and to do my thesis (so one more year), but then I will be all graduated. For the third time. Well, fourth if you count high school. I'll have my high school diploma, my Associates in Liberal Arts, my Bachelors in English, and my Masters in English (Creative Writing). The next step would be a PHD, but the college I got my undergrad, and am going to for my grad (Cleveland State), doesn't offer it. The only really reason I'd want one is so I could tell people I was a doctor. They'd be like, "What are you a doctor of?", and I could be like "ENGLISH!!". And it would be awesome. Don't deny it.

Oh, and I got a new car. My Focus was dying, so I had to get a new car. That would make most people happy, but I was sobbing when I traded my Focus in. The people were looking at me like I was crazy. The people being those at the car dealership... and my family as well. I kept one of the keys to it, and they were too afraid to ask me for it, so I have it for a keepsake. But anyways, my new care is also full of awesome. It's a Kia Soul, and the payments make me sad, but the car makes me happy again. So I'm in a constant flux. But yes. Good.

[+]The Last Unicorn
How did I not know there was a Last Unicorn comic book series? I randomly found out today and felt cheated. I should have instinctively known this! I grew up on this movie. Seriously, whenever we'd rent movies, I would pick this more often than not!! The words from it are chiseled into my brain! INTO MY SOUL!! But anyways, it's so pretty.... I want to make icons out of it, but I have to renew my accounts, and I don't want to do that just yet. Later. Yes, later....

Huh. I had more to talk about, but I forgot the rest. Hmm, maybe later. I keep meaning to post more. But I've meant to post more for like... six years, and it hasn't stuck. Yet. Oh well. I always get ideas, but then forget what I meant to write. Maybe I should write them down. Hrm. Well, anyways, hope you all are well! How are you doing?

comics: last unicorn, car: ford focus, work: subbing, animated movie: last unicorn, car: kia soul, me: life update, school: csu

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