Jul 29, 2005 20:39
Historical Essay of Boston, Mass.
By: Jessi Smeigh
Boston is a lovely waterfront city in the bustling metropolis of Massachuesetts. It has many historic things. One is the old church where Paul Revere had people hang lanterns in the steeple. Apparently, Paul liked to have people do things for him a lot. That whole ride thing.... yeah, not him. Also, there is a big monument to note the spot of the battle of Bunker Hill. Except it's not on Bunker Hill. It's Reed's Hill. Could people fuck up a little more please? Also, said monmuemnt looks sneakily like the Washington Monument. Creativity is key people. Further more, Paul owned a company that made all the brass fittings for the USS Consitution. Do you think he actually made any? Nope. Got someone else to do it...again. While we're on the subject of The Constitution, does it seem a bit goofy to anyone else that the ship has it's own crew. It. doesn't. work. What Navy men get assigned to crew a boat that doesn't sail. And it seems a bit pathetic to me that they drag it out once a year so it can stay "active" with the navy. For the love of God, you single handledly escaped an entire british fleet and never lost a crew memeber. There is no shame in throwing in the towel.
In conclusion, everything I ever learned in history class k-12 grades was worng. Liars. All of them. Boston is pretty. And while they do have Red Sox fans, they don't have Yankees fans so that is a plus. And the Pats suck and Tom Brady is a butt munch and everyone knows it so it's whatever.
Love always,