Jul 06, 2006 11:59
No post in awhile. Probably because I have to come outside now anytime I want to use the internet. And at the moment, it is noon, sun is sweltering and I am sitting beneath it with a warm computer on my lap. Gaaahhh.
In anycase, summer is going well in Isla Vista. I have always had mixed feelings about summer: on the one hand I have all this time on my hands to do the things I really want to do that I never had time for in the school year, however on the other hand people aren't usually around or are doing their own things and I find myself bored often with all this extra time on my hands. Not complaining though, I do prefer cold beer on a beach anyday.
Stacy and Barbara are moving into their new place today. I stopped by when they were all waiting for it to be cleaned. Other than the few patches that need work/cleaning I think it will be a really good apartment for the two of them. SO large for two people. (Stace and Babs, I will be stopping by often for TV/movies/internet daily [and of course to see you] fyi warning. :-) )
I am getting so excited about France. I got an e-mail from my director this morning. She mentioned the first week of orientation, which will consist of getting to know everyone doing the program, going on excursions, going on picnics, going to the beach. AAAHHH!!! I am so excited. The only thing is, I feel bad being down here most of the summer before I leave. I really want to spend time with my family and friends from home before I head out for the year. I will see my family in Salmon,Idaho for the reunion, and I will be home a week before I depart (Aug 20), but I just wish I could spend more time ya know...Oh well. I would probably want to kill my parents if I stayed at the house longer than a week.
On a final note...
FRANCE IS GOING TO THE WORLD CUP FINALS!!!!! Watch it Sunday, August 9...at 11:00am I believe, but I don't remember the exact time. If you are just as excited about me regarding this, and random people are sick of hearing you rant and rave....call me, e-mail me, IM me, whatever. It's all I talk about lately.
Bye bye.