Windows Vista, and other deceptions!

Jun 18, 2008 21:43

I just want to go on record, my dear friends, and tell ya'll that Windows Vista is the biggest joke any computer company ever played on anyone! To the fellow Mac users in my blog, congratulations! You have the real thing. To the XP users, hold whatcha got! Anyone using Vista, here's you a nice cooky. You need something sweet in your life.

There's an older man in our church who takes me to the airport quite often. His name's Bob, and he just got into computers! Well, he let his grandchildren have free access to his laptops, and so guess what? They're both messed up! Since he's been so good to me though, I naturally wanted to help him out, and armed with my lovely white Macbook, went over to his house to fix all his computer issues.

Starting with his router, I got things talking to each other, and restored his internet connectivity. Then, it was time to tackle the computers. This was my first experience with the operating system from hell, and here's what I found out! Microsoft tried to copy Apple! Um, they tried, and failed! I've spent more time waiting for these computers than I have fixing them. They're still not right, and I brought one home with me to work on, because it was after 9:00 when I left the man's house. He's worth it though. He's good to me.

In other news, Peter broke out the electric guitar in church tonight, and I'd forgotten just how well he can play that thing! He amazed me, and inspired me to play even harder and better, and when he finally picked up the bass again, I was duely disappointed. I love the electric guitar. It's one of the most versatile instruments out there, and so many Christians don't appreciate it. Oh well, they will just have to get over it. Anyway, that is all for the night. Vista is beckoning again like the hellish fiend that it is.
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