It's been a hell of a week, but all seems well now.
First, the cat: On Monday, I got home from work to see he had puked everywhere, after a week post-shots of not puking at all. He was super lethargic and hiding and not eating or drinking. I guess he was a little, but not enough. Also his butt was smelly. I couldn't get him to the vet until Thursday, which I ended up taking off from work, which was a great call. I've just been so stressed out and distracted, and I'm not busy, so why sit there fretting, you know? So we went back to the vet, where I learned he was down to 9.1 pounds! Yikes. He used to be 14, but was definitely 10.something a month ago or so. So the vet wanted to do more bloodwork and some other stuff, so I left him there for a few hours. The bloodwork was great (again), but she gave him some subcutaneous fluids and something else I don't know what it was, but anyway, another $200 later, I had him home with a new prescription, for colitis. Oy.
I had not been successful pilling him, and he won't eat treats anymore, so I was worried about the new twice-a-day pills, but we figured it out! I'm sure it's a combination of my getting the technique and his deciding it's easier to just take it than to struggle. So that's good. He seems back to his friendly, interested self.
Of course, while all that was going on, I was moving!
As usual, I did not really have enough boxes, although I actually did, because my cousin had given me a bunch of wardrobe boxes, so I just started throwing shit into them eventually. By the time the movers came at 8am on Friday, I was pretty much packed. Threw the leftovers into my laundry basket, and good to go.
My parents came to help out and give me and Homer a ride to the new place, which worked out great. Even better, when I realized I had forgotten about my coat closet (it's right behind the front door, which of course was open the whole time the movers were there), they drove me back to get my coats and baker's rack. (I had remembered the other stuff in there while packing, so it could have been much worse.) But since we had already unloaded my clothes into the closets, the new closets were full! My mother offered to take my coats to their house while I figure it out, which was super nice.
The movers were great -- right on time, nice and cute, and right on the estimate. What I liked about this company is that when they gave me the estimate, they included everything: supplies, parking permits, etc. Which made them very competitive once I added all of that stuff to other estimates I had gotten, and I just liked that the company was so up-front. I'll definitely fill out the comment card.
So now I'm in the new place, trying to figure out where everything goes. The new place is smaller all the way around than the old one, so getting things situated will be a little tricky. I've emptied a bunch of boxes, but more by throwing things in the general direction they might go than actually "unpacking." But I'm on my way! I'm afraid I'm going to spend today moving furniture, and wish I had enlisted my folks for some time today, too! Ah well.
In short, everything seems OK.
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