- The other day, I was listening to music on my iPod on my way home, and as I walked into the house, "Like a Prayer" came on. I fully sang every word of that song, full-voice, alone in the house, with my earphones on. If it had been a movie/sitcom, someone would have walked in on me, but luckily in real life, there was no one to do that. It was fun, though.
- I went to the Symphony Friday night! It was great, but what I want to note here is that the conductor looked weirdly like Simon Baker. An older, less-attractive Simon Baker. Which I realize after
a little googling was at least partly due to his dyed hair.
- Yesterday was my cousin's family birthday party. I was thinking it's fairly weird to have a family birthday party for a 14-year-old, but then I realized it's just the the spring excuse for a family get-together. It was very nice! But: My poor grandmother fell a couple of weeks ago and, as it turned out, fractured her pubic bone. Ouch! So to get into my uncle's house, you have to go up either a sort of inclined path with a few steps (to the front door) or up a flight of stairs (from the garage). We didn't know how my grandmother would handle this, since she's been walking with a walker, even around the house. They brought out a dining room chair, and carried her up in the chair! It worked out perfectly! Kind of hilarious.
Finally, a book:
11. Still Life, Louise Penny. A mystery set in a small town in Quebec. I liked it! Not as much as my mother, who is now obsessed with the series, but I liked it. I'm glad my mother loved it, though, since I picked it out for her for Christmas.
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