Apparently I'm the household chef around these parts lately, not that I mind. It's a pretty face I feed daily waiting for me at the kitchen counter, giving me nothing but positive feedbacks on my culinary skills. Even if I burn the toast sometimes, or I put too much sugar in the coffee, he tells me it's all good. So if this movie business ever gets rough, it's reassuring to know I have a possible future servin' up grub at restaurants. But sigh, I love my days lately.
I've also been slowly shifting out of my procrastinator phase, which is a tough transition since I grew so accustomed to that couch in my living room. It's nice and soft, and warm. And it's been nice sitting down and watching Oprah while everybody else went out to bring home the slab o' bacon. But now I caved, I'm one of those people. But that's cool because I get to go to places like Tokyo and see what the fuss is with this Harajuku thing. And because Sheryl wants me to go after one of her popstar friends over there. But it's been a busy week. New York -> LA -> New York transits within a seven day period isn't fun. But here's a visual recap of what happened to me this week, in PINK!!!
After a long period of doing absolutely nothing, I got around to attending premieres of my movie Flags of our Fathers which comes out on Friday, which I expect a lot of you to see considering none of you turned up for the premieres unless you were involved with the movie in some way. Plus Erika Christensen 'cause I invited her. So these were taken last Monday, bitches.
Also present were Steven Spielberg and Clint Eastwood. Stevie was looking at me kind of funny, like a creepy stalker person. I had no choice but to hide behind Clinty making sure I kept some distance away from the the man that brought us "A.I."
I got all dressed up for the occassion. Notice the changes!
Looking fly for a white guy! Which gives me enough reason to leave you with this very important reminder.
And then, there was the thing in New York a week later. But I can't post pictures of them because I got lazy with Photoshop. But Ryan was there. Ryan was the beautifulest. This is not him on that day but this is him, looking very pretty. As usual.
So now I'm in my room skimming through my closet, trying to determine what to take with me on my trip to Tokyo for another premiere. Which may or may not be followed by some European countries. More to come later! But I have really cool t-shirts I want to take. But I don't know how the laundry service over there is. So none of the vintages will make it. Should I bring my guitar?
And tomorrow, I leave this marvellous place for the land of Japanese people, whatever it's called. ADIOS!
And that'll do for now. Peace, I am quiero-ing taco bell.