washing paintbrushes in a 17th century bathtub

Jan 29, 2007 23:29

is incredibly surreal. these past few weeks have flown by with plenty of work to be done on the chateau;  I feel like we've hardly even made a dent in the painting alone.  still, it's nice to be part of restoring such an amazing piece of property, and I know our help was appreciated.

Saturday afternoon Hannah & I took a walk down along the "Alley" ( the unused back roads) and into town to place our croissant order for the next morning.  the road snakes through the gardens & vineyards and then runs along the river, dead-ending at a rusty old gate which, climbed over, leaves one on a road only about a ten minute walk from the center of Champtoce-Sur-Loire.

on the way back to the house we briefly contemplated crawling up into the remains of Bluebeard's castle on the corner, but decided against it, as dusk falls quickly around here.  the hunters were just coming in for the evening as we reached the gardens and we could hear the bells on the hunting dogs' collars ringing in the distance.  we pretended to be explorers, discovering an enchanted castle surrounded by all manner of magical creatures.  oh, to be ten-going-on-eleven-again.

friday we leave for madrid to meet karolyn & bryan.  it will be sad to leave here, but I have a feeling we'll be back someday, and I am craving a bit of sun.  last week we had occasion to experience the majesty that is the season's first snowfall in the Loire.

the chapel:

view from the "gardner's cottage", where we are staying:

the back of the main building:

this building has something like 40 bedrooms.  it's a maze, really.  maybe most castles are?  this is my first.

the next time you hear from me, I will be in spain!

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