May 15, 2006 16:42
This last week was hard. It seemed like there was no escape, no matter where I was. There is some tension at work, which hasn't helped matters.
Puddy is really slowing down. This last week, I started avoiding coming home because I didn't know what awaited me. We are taking it one day at a time, but it's so hard seeing her go downhill. It's not quite her time, but I know it's coming soon.
Lucretia's presence has helped me cope with the upcoming loss of Puddy. I'm really glad that I got her when I did. She has overcome her fear of the television and now comes out of her room to hang out in the living room even if the TV is on. Before, she would only come out towards the living room when the TV was off.
To explain the layout of the guest room better, there are two doors on opposite walls. One door leads out to the living room and the other door leads out towards a hallway that connects the entrances to the bathroom, my bedroom, and the kitchen. When the second door is opened (towards the hallway), she was much more comfortable wandering around from that area. To keep track of the cats as they are getting used to each other, depending on what room I was in and what I was doing, I would only keep one of those doors opened at all times.
For a little while now, to get her used to the living room (which is facing a busy street, and all the street sounds scared her), I would do my normal things in the living room and try to entice her to come out. She would wander on occasion, then rush back into her room. Over the weekend, she came out and gladly wandered around the living room area, then hung out with me while I was there. I was so happy when that happened!
In other Lucretia news, she did go into heat this weekend too. Last week, she was driving me crazy with all her weird chattiness, and it was the weirdest sounds too. I think it's over now, it started Saturday night and lasted until last night. She was really quiet after bed time last night, so I think it's over. This cycle is supposed to be every 2-3 weeks, so I hope she doesn't go through another one before I get her fixed in two weeks.
The weekend was good. I hung out with Christie Friday night, hung out with MF Lisa Saturday night, and celebrated Mother's Day and my parents' 25th wedding anniversary yesterday.
I also finally got to clean the house top to bottom and started going through my things for SIL Lisa's garage sale. All proceeds of the garage sale will go to Father Butch's Santo Niño Orphanage. I've got a ton of stuff to sell too! And it goes to a good cause.