Feb 21, 2010 02:29
Maybe, just maybe, I got some dude arrested today. I stopped at a truck stop to get a drink (a rather tasty white chocolate caramel latte, by the way - yummy) on a trip into Billings to get groceries, and I couldn't help but notice a half-consumed beer in the cup holder of the SUV I parked next to. A closer look revealed several other bottles on the floor, and then I saw the guy come out to his vehicle, stumbling around, obviously drunk, and hauling another newly procured six-pack with him. So, I sucked it up, fought back my fears, and called in his license number. Pretty much the only thing I really could do, short of beating the crap out of him and taking his keys. But I am, as per the gay stereotype, weak and frail so obviously that was out. I dunno. I doubt that it accomplished anything, but I was proud of myself.
There's a newspaper delivery job open here in Columbus. Gonna try to go for that, though I've pretty much resigned myself to the fact that I'm just not going to find a job till I move. At the very least, my chances of finding something couldn't possibly be worse, could they? (That's what passes for optimism in Jesseland.)
Been while since I mentioned my reading exploits. Mostly because my mom seems to enjoy interrupting me while I'm reading, so it takes me forever to get through anything. I did finally get through Carter Dickson's The White Priory Murders (review forthcoming) last week, and now I'm immersing myself in that wacky Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy business all the kids are so into. And, I must say, I am LOVING it.
Other than that, though, I'm just trying to settle on a single creative project to pour myself into. I've been slacking off in that area lately. Shame shame shame...