Oct 02, 2009 00:45
So, apparently, if I want to see a psychiatrist without actually admitting myself to a mental hospital (my absolute last resort), it's a six month wait. How obnoxious.
Other than coming away with that unpleasant little nugget of information, the appointment with the counselor actually went quite well. I was able to get a few nagging problems off my chest, and she's come to the conclusion that I'm probably bipolar, which she says would explain why traditional antidepressants have always been so questionably effective for me. She wants to put me on risperidone for the aforementioned bipolar disorder. I'll keep you guys posted on whether it ends up helping or not.
Speaking of getting things off my chest, on a random-in-the-commonly-used-but-incorrect-sense whim, I finally worked up the courage to come out to my mother. Why? I...don't know, it just kind of slipped out while she was bugging me about not ever having a girlfriend. She hasn't said a single thing to me since then (that was about four hours ago), but then again, she didn't erupt in explosive, violent anger, so I'll say she's taking it well.
On another RITCUBIS whim, I just ordered myself the three Spyro the Dragon games for the PS1 off Amazon.com. It's something I've been meaning to do for awhile, and now that I actually have the money to do so, I figured, why not? I've been in the mood for some bright colourful 3D platforming lately...because my taste in games reflects my general immaturity, I guess.
I could really go for some good buffalo chicken right now. Or sweet and sour chicken. Or General Tso's chicken. Or, best of all, that kickass Polynesian rum coconut-crusted chicken I had on the vacation. Basically, any sort of chicken. Beef is tasty, but I've had more than enough this week.