So, things what have been happening:
x The Boy has been here this week, which was lovely - we went into Manchester on Tuesday and mooched in Waterstones for ages, then went and sat in Piccadilly Gardens with our new purchases and read for a couple of hours. I also engaged in my favourite sport of people watching, and saw many interesting things. Then we went for pizza - hurrah!
x While in Manchester, I was also many excited to see that we now have an
Urban Outfitters, which I think is a wonderful store - I first saw it in the States a couple of years ago, and loved it, so was very thrilled to come across one in Manchester. They seem to excel in kitsch crap, including these 'Ask Jesus/Buddha' statues, which you ask a question then turn upside down and there's a Magic 8 Ball answer thing there. It's quite wrong, but v. funny.
x Teaching is ok, tho I'm fairly relieved there's not much longer left to go.
x Summer Fair at my old high school this afternoon. Terribly geeky and sad, but I think I might just go along.
Mod Langs results. :D