Week Two and a meme thingy

Nov 16, 2010 16:50

Sooo... 38,000 words in two weeks is entirely possible for me. Possible, but in no way advisable. My favourite line of the dribble I've been writing so far has been 'You're all crap and weird, and I hate you' because it sums up the whole story, but also kind of makes me laugh. I desperately, desperately, desperately just want to get to 50,000 words so I can stop and tell myself that I did it even if there's no way I'm ever touching that story again.

Anyway, I was tagged in a meme thingy so here's my answers to some random questions (I'm such a sucker for these!). I haven't tagged anyone because I don't know too many people on here that well, but if you want to take it and reply to the answers yourself I think that's a capital idea.

Lots of pillows or just one?

I have four pillows and a cushion on my bed so I guess I'd say a lot. I use them for propping me and my laptop up when I'm writing in bed, but when I sleep I throw all but two off onto the floor.

What kind of books do you read?

A range, quite a lot of chick-lit, but there's no genre I can think of that isn't represented somewhere on my bookshelf. Maybe horror? I'm not a big fan of gore in any medium.

What are your neighbours like?

Well, after our previous neighbours (who we nicknamed the four D's - drugs, dogs, drums and domestics) extraordinarily dull. Where our house sits on the road we kind of only have neighbours across the road from us. The man wears tight shorts and has a mullet, but, aside from that they're pretty unremarkable. Oh, except I talked to them ages ago when they first moved in while I was wearing my security card from work which is on the same lanyard as the hospital ones (as I work in health). Then ages later someone came looking for their cat (described as having four legs, but only three feet. Only in my neighbourhood!) and said they'd talked to the people across the road and they'd said 'maybe the nurse in the house there knows'. Therefore, what I know about my neighbours is that they, incorrectly, think I'm a nurse.

What's the best lesson you've ever learned?

When you don't know what to do, just take that first little step. Best lesson/advise ever! When you get paralysed when something massive is dumped on you, you just need to take a deep breath and figure out what the first thing you need to do is, stuff usually snowballs from there.

What's your favourite ice-cream/gelato flavour?

I'm really not picky on the ice-cream/gelato front. I'm not a fan of coffee flavoured stuff, apart from that, I'm happy with anything.

What's your current fandom/obsession/addiction?

Gary, Tank Commander. Man I love that show. I suppose my current obsession is finishing NaNo as well!

Do you prefer your junk food sweet, salty or savoury?

Depends on my mood, but all are great.

If you had to change your name to that of a city or state in this world, what would you choose?

Albuquerque! Seriously, saying that when I had to introduce myself would makes me smile every time. Or I could go boring and say Sofia, which is a lovely name.

What was the last thing you bought?

The Bagraiders album and I love it so.

What is your favourite flower?

Tulips! But it's not like I'll throw any others someone offers me back in his/her face!

What annoys you the most?

Homophobia, racism and all that jazz (actually, ESPECIALLY jazz, that stuff is just plain irritating!)

What was the last meal you ate?

Breakfast. Yep, fascinating stuff, cereal.

Do you want to learn another language?

Just last night I whined to my parents that they'd ruined my life by not teaching me Spanish (not that they know Spanish, but still!). I was watching Dora the Explorer with my nephew and was having such fun with it that I felt suddenly bereft for not knowing the language. In short, yes, I would love to learn another language.

Five things you can't live without

1. The Little Things - I love seeing funny little things, they can totally change my mood for the better. I see a guy grinning for no reason, someone's put the letters for the show 'Busting Out' up incorrectly so they read 'Bustin Gout', I realise someone in the car next to me is listening to the same song as me and loving it, these things all can totally make me happy for hours.
2. Music - I'm pretty much always rocking along to something. Petrol prices be damned, if I'm in my car and a good song comes on or I'm loving my CD, I'll deliberately detour myself so I can stay and listen longer.
3. Friends - I'm so lucky in my mates who are hands down the coolest people in the world. In-jokes grow to mammoth proportions and every small, ridiculous detail of our lives is open fodder for mocking and general hilarity, I wouldn't have it any other way.
4. Books - I have a pretty hyper imagination, I like to think books provide a safe outlet for this!
5. Lip balm/moisturiser - I'm not a really girly girl, but if I don't have these things I get plain crabby. This may have something to do with the soap at work being somewhat akin to paint stripper.

Find the closest book currently sitting near you and flip to page 36. What is the first sentence of the second paragraph?

'Sex, of course, being the metaphor’s panacea as the most marketable commodity known to man.' Boiling a Frog by Christopher Brookmyre

What's something that you'd like to say to someone right now?

'Honey, if you don't know, please just ask me about it. Don't bumble about spouting out what you think the right answer is and confusing everyone, it's a pain in the arse and it's going to take me ages to clean up the misinformation you've spread.'

Wow, that's really good to get off my chest actually!

What are you looking forward to?

Christmas! I work in a team where I'm the only girl and all the boys are all cool and snobby about Christmas. You wait, though, I'm going to stay back after work sometime in December and Christmas their workstations up to the point where they can't move for the all the tinsel and freakin' goodwill I'm going to throw at them! Christmas is not a religious experience for me, it is, however, a lovely time to show people you care and surround yourself with sparkly things, neither of which is bad.

Do you prefer boxers/briefs/tighty whities on a guy?

Haha, I prefer whatever the guy is most comfortable in. I'm not going to dictate the undies someone should wear, that's a bit harsh!

What is your favourite electronic accessory?

My pink radio at work. What a hard working device that is, and so pretty too! I don't think I could make it through the day without the musical sustenance it provides.
And, yes, I did change all the spelling to Australian spelling, that's just the kind of girl I am.
Cheers, Jess/star123

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