Randomness, as usual.

Oct 22, 2005 23:02

So yeah. I'm feeling in the mood to update, and since that is a big rarity nowadays, I figured I'd take advantage of that feeling now that I have time as well.

Does anyone even look at my posts anymore? Will anyone even read this? Haha, well, I'm gonna update either way, so whatever.

Life is pretty dang good at the moment, when I look at it overall. At least, I'm feeling really good at the moment. I just got back from hanging out with Katie for a few hours, and man, I did miss that girl and our bonding moments. She just gets me, seriously. Anyways. Of course, we went to Sonic, and ended up staying there a few hours catching up on each others lives and all. And, the lives of other people that is none of my business but I listen to anyway. Haha. I dunno, listening to her talk about some people and their drama and their attitudes and all that...I'm just glad that pretty much the only big drama I deal with nowadays is typical relationship issues every now and then. I dunno, I've just totally stopped caring about all the stupid drama in everyone elses lives. Still, some of it was pretty funny to hear, and I found out some things that I had suspected, but didn't know for sure, but which made me laugh. Haha. Anyways. After Sonic we went to Marble Slab to visit Blane and Danny and stayed there for a while, then she took me home. So I'm in a good mood, cuz I got to hang out with Katie and laugh tons and talk a lot, as well as see the love of my life...again.

I have seen Danny every single day for as long as we've been together, plus an extra week or something like that. And most days it's more than once, and for several hours. Are we freaks?? I don't care if we are actually, cuz I love it. For some reason, people keep getting all worked up about us spending so much time together though. Um...get over it. I'm happy. People are like, YOU NEED TO MISS HIM! Ha. What they don't know or can't seem to grasp is that I miss him every minute I'm not with him. So I'm okay in the missing him area. Silly people, they really need to just mind their own business, cuz they obviously don't understand how I feel about this guy and how happy he makes me. Sheesh. But enough about that.

Judy's boyfriend Joey from Virginia is in town for a few weeks, it's exciting. Danny and I have been hanging out with them some, and it's been fun. Because me and my sister are so much alike, their relationship in some ways is really similar to ours and it makes me laugh. And Danny and Joey already say they are brothers...somewhat because of a funny occurance at church the other night, but also cuz they are really similar in some ways also. So it's been fun. We've hung out at the house, the basketball court, church, Chili's, Pizza Hut, my mom's house...and tomorrow we were supposed to hang out with them at the Zoo with my mom and stepdad and kids, BUT...

omg. I swear my step-dad can be SO freaking annoying with his stupid attitude which rubs off on my mom. She seriously used to be a much nicer person before he messed her up. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate him or anything like that, I mean most of the time I like him, but he can get SO annoying, seriously. He's so dramatic and sarcastic and rude when he's trying to be funny or cool, or just...all the time, and sometimes I just get so sick of it and can't stand it. And I really hate it when he tries to act like he has so much authority over me, cuz...um hello, I don't live with you, you aren't my real dad, you don't financially support me in any way, and I'm gonna be 18 next week....you BARELY have authority over me. He has WAY less than he tries to act like anyway. Even my mom hardly has authority over me, for the same reasons as him, with the exception of her being my real mom. But seriously, when she starts financially providing for me and takes more responsibility for the fact that, hello, she did have five kids before she divorced my dad and all that, THEN maybe she'd have more authority over me. But for now, come on, what can she do to me? I CHOOSE when I go over there, and she pays for nothing, so it's not like she can take anything away from me. But WOOOOOOO sorry about that guys, didn't mean to go off about that, but yeah, that's my vent on that. The point of all that was that today I got in a fight with them because they were being stupid and dramatic as usual, and so my mom decided that, "YOU AREN'T GOING TOMORROW, DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT!!" So I was like, Um yeah whatever...and Danny and decided that we don't need them anyway and that tomorrow we will go to the zoo just us, haha. I'm gonna laugh if we see them. It'll make my day. I hope that works out. The only thing I'm somewhat worried about is her telling my dad or something, cuz he tends to take the side of my mom and he might say I can't go, and my dad definately has authority over me, with good reason which I respect, so I would have to not go....but even if she does tell him I'm sure I can convince him that Rick and my mom were just being dumb like normal, cuz he knows. Lol.

Yikes, this entry got long really fast....oh well.

Hmm..I'm seriously in a really good mood right now, going out with Katie and talking a lot really made me happy. She understands everything I say so well all the time, it's so relieving!! And she convinced me more that in a certain situation that is making me unhappy..or at least rather uncomfortable....I'm not just being stupid, and that she would feel the same way. Along with my sister. So I feel somewhat better about the fact that I'm not just a total idiot who shouldn't feel the way I feel at all. Even though he's told me I'm not....he still thinks I'm kinda silly for thinking it anyways, but whatever. The way I feel is the way I feel. And man...it bugs me. But oh well. We'll see how it all goes. I'm still in a really good mood, cuz I hung out with Katie, and...I'm in love with an amazing boy. So yay life. :)

Wow. I should really stop here. If anyone read it all...you are awesome. Haha. Cuz that's a lot to read. I'm thinking most people don't even read it though anymore cuz comments have gone WAY down. Can't blame people though, because I hardly ever comment anymore due to laziness. I do still read everyone's entries though, lol.

Well, adios for now, lj world. I dunno when the next time I'll update is. I hope to take Laura's camera to school on my birthday next Monday (yeah yeah, Halloween, yeah yeah, spooky...get over it.) So hopefully I can do a picture post soon!! Oh yeah, and concert next Friday. Woohoo. Details of that to come, probably.

MUCHO AMOR!!!!!!!!


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