Oct 17, 2005 15:26

1. Smoked a cigarette - No

2.Smoked a cigar - No

3. Crashed a friend's car - No

4. Stolen a car - No

5. Been in love - Yes

6. Been dumped- Yes

7. Taken shots of alcohol- No

8. Been fired - No

9. Been in a fist fight - All the time. You know me. I kick butt too. Ask Steven.

10. Snuck out of a/your house - I've snuck INTO my house...does that count?

11. Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back- Yes

12. Been arrested - No, but I did ride in the back of a cop car once!

13. Made out with a stranger - No

14. Gone on a blind date - No

15. Lied to a friend - Yes

16. Had a crush on a teacher- No

18. Seen someone die - No

19. Been on a plane - Yes

20. Thrown up in a bar - No

22. Miss someone right now - Yes

23. Laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by - I can't remember last time I did.

24. Made a snow angel - Yes, but I got really cold and decided to get up and snowboard some more instead, so I don't remember what it looked like or anything. Not too exciting. I wanna do it again someday!

25. Played Dress Up - Of course.

26. Cheated While Playing a Game - Probably, but not that I can remember.

27. Been Lonely - Yes

28. Fallen Asleep at Work/School - Yes, mostly in history last year cuz Mr.Weber was awesome and let me.

29. Used a Fake ID - No

30. Felt an earthquake - No

31. Touched a snake - Yes

32. Ran a red light - No

33. Had detention - Once, for tardies. Stupid "Tardy round-up" crap.

34. Been in a car accident - Not anything major.

35. Hated the way you look - At times.

37. been lost - Lost physically? Or emotionally? Eh, probably both.

38. Been to the opposite side of the country - I've been to DC...I've always wanted to go to California for some reason.

39. Felt like dying - Yes

40. cried yourself to sleep - Yes

41. Played cops and robbers - No

42. Karaoke - Only at home on that Laser Disc thing we used to have a long time ago.

43. Done something you told yourself you wouldn't - Probably.

44. Laughed till some kind of beverage came out of your nose - I don't think so..

45. Caught a snowflake on your tongue - Yes

46. Kissed in the rain - I want to! But no.

47. Sang in the shower - All the time.

48. Made love in a park - No

49. Had a dream that you married someone - Yes

50. Glued your hand to something - When we were bored in elementry school, we used to glue our fingers/hands together with Elmers glue. I dunno, we were weird.

51. Got your tongue stuck to a flag pole - No

52. Worn the opposite sex's clothes - Yes, mostly jackets and sweatshirts.

53. Been a cheerleader - No

54. Sat on a roof top - Yes

55. Talked on the phone all night - Pretty much.

56. Ever too scared to watch scary movies alone? - Heck yes. I hate scary movies.

57. Played chicken fight- Yes, and Jamey and I always won against Becky and Mike cuz we're awesome. I also played at HEB camp on Andrews shoulders I think, against Rebecca Glasers little brother, and we both fell off at the same time.

58. Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on - No

59. Been told you're hot by a complete stranger- Yes

60. Broken a bone - No...well, I think I broke my little toe a couple times, once at UIL right before we went onstage...it sucked...but nothing major, haha.

61. Had a 3-some? - No

62. Laugh so hard you cry - Yes

64. Cheated on a test - Yes

65. Forgotten someone's name - Yes

66. Been kicked out of your house - No

68. Played a prank on someone - Yes

69. Played in public with your significant other? - Play? Meaning...?
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