An Update!

Oct 30, 2005 16:50

So I think its been awhile...I decided to update bc stuff has been happening and I keep thinking "oh, I need to update!" and I never do, so This may be a long one, if you read this, you're better off skimming.
Hmmm...maybe I'll do list form.
1. I have a new roommate. Her name is Jenny and she's from Chicago. As far as I know, everything was ok between me and my former roomie Brittany but there were definitely problems between Jenny and Jackie, who Brittany now lives with. Brittany was easy to live with but we didn't have much in common and Jenny and I do. Also our room now looks like more people than just me live there.

2. I worked for 4 hours at Meijer last weekend. Woohoo for a $20 paycheck. Add in the the secretary was on vacation and she needed to put me back into the system to get paid so I won't get paid until next thursday.

3. I'm supposed to be reading or studying right now but I was reading the same paragraph for about 10 minutes so I gave up.

4. School is better in terms of friends...I think. I feel like a burden to Jenn. I went to high school with her and she lives down the floor from me-we edited the yearbook together in HS. Like she doesn't actually want to talk or whatever but does out of obligation...I don't know. There's a girl on Boisen 3 (where I spend lots of my time) that invites herself everywhere any of them go and people are so annoyed with her and I don't want to become like that. I HATE clingy people.

5. Also feeling slightly like a burden to Erin. Erin is Courtney's ex-roommate and is also good friends with Lisa, who I went to church with. Like, Erin is lots of fun but whenever we go do something, it's almost always me calling her and going over there. I don't know if I should just take the hint, seems like I should but the other day she told me that Lisa and I were the only 2 people @ school she really trusts so...

6. I hate being an over analytical female.

7. Classes!
a. Rational Decision Making. Have a C, it's a high C, almost C+ but it is such a hard class. I hate it so much. I rarely go because it's hard to make myself get out of bed at 9:30 and walk 15 minutes to a class that I hate. Also, 2 out of the last 4 times I've skipped, it's been completely on accident. Yeah, I accidentally set my alarm for PM.
b. Linguistics. I love this class. I'm not sure why, it's a fairly difficult class but I'm doing so well in there. I have like a 99%. Granted, a lot of my success is due to my weird little AI in there named Tossi. He's so funny but kinda random. He IMed me on Thursday night to talk about class (thurs. is the last day of that class for the week) and we ended up talking about partying and drinking. lol
c. Creative Writing. Hot hot guys in this class. Every single one of the 9 guys in my discussion is cute. I have a C+ in this class because I skipped it once to go back to my high school to get my yearbook, oh, that and I don't participate enough. I don't ever have anything intelligent to say, or I would say it. Last I checked this was Creative Writing, not creative participation. I know participation is a large part of the class, but I do my work, I pay attention, chime in when I have something to say so on and so forth...whatever. My AI is a bitch too. She basically said I don't have a good enough vocabulary on my own without using a thesaurus and that I use words I can't define in an effort to make myself sound more educated all because I couldn't spout off an exact definition to "traipse" which by the way means "To walk or tramp about; gad: traipsed from one picnic site to another" Oh, and she said all of that in front of the class. I almost cried
d. Anthropology. I have to read Fast Food Nation and write a review over it and that's the book I was trying to read when I gave up and got on here
e. Communication in the Classroom. My educ. class @ 9:30 on T and R. We had the midterm in there on Thursday and I woke up at 9:50. Oops. I don't have any strong feelings on this class...I met my friends Jana and Liz in that class...

8. I think I'm running out of things to say. I want a boyfriend. I'm PMSing which means I'm an emotional train wreck. I just have that girly gushy want to be held and watch movies while laying in his arms in my sweatpants sort of thing going on. I'm open to blind dates...anything. Anyone have anyone for me? I've reached the bottom...

9. My computer is proving to be a piece of shit. It just randomly died on Thursday, still randomly dies occasionally and now it won't read CD's. Fabulous

10. I miss people from back home! I love you all! Visits are welcome at anytime if you have time!
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