May 31, 2004 01:56
Well, I didn't forget about this whole journal thing after only a few weeks, but as you can tell, if you check your calendars, an entire semester's worth of months, weeks, days and hours has come and gone between this post and the last. It's not so much that I've been so busy as to have no time to spare towards self-centered issues like this journal, though that has been a significant factor in the lack of posting, it's been more of a disinclination to bother when the only thing I have to say is, "Classes are tough, I wish the semester were over.", or, "Went to school today, worked at the zoo, nothing else happened." Oh, that is one thing. Not too long into the semester, I started volunteer work at our local zoo, which, among other things, houses a good number of large cats, which is what I'm trying to eventually do as a career. Working with cats has always been one of my driving goals, and getting paid to do it would be a dream come true. As it is though, at present, I'm happy to do it for free.
Beyond my family, my life at home, I've not really had anything impact me as much. There have been little things from day to day, and money is often tight, but I hardly consider those worth mentioning, as they are not what prey on my thoughts. But anyway, this is turning overlong. Smester's over, summer is here, and if it's in any way possible, I'm even busier. Not only have I taken it upon myself to work this summer, and have secured a job as a whitewater rafting guide (which required that I get myself recertified in cpr/first aid), I have also found the need to take summer classes, the first of which is a mad three week rush to participate in a gallery show. In other words, I pay a class fee, plus purchase materials and put in labor to create a piece of artwork, and it gets shown to people in the art department's gallery, plus I get three credits. Right now, we're heading into the tird week, and I have until Thurs. I'm looking at a couple of allnighters, a sleeping bag and a hard gallery floor to get this done. Sometimes it's hard to remind yourself that you do a thing because you love it.
Things get a little easier (maybe) as of next week, when my astronomy class starts. Why, because I need to make up the credits, and I've never had an astronomy class before. Between that and work though, my days will still be quite full. Tomorrow at least though, I get to rest, as we and a few friends are going up to Apple Hill, and your's truly gets to nap in the car. Joy.