Oct 27, 2008 18:53
I know what you want from me.
Well, just got back from working out all on my own, wasn't too scary at all, but I am very tired.
Burned off a calculated 800 calories, which, according to my food intake today, is one whole pound, woo! Sound all sporty-nerdy now, huh? Ah well, I went home this weekend and my mom wouldn't stop saying the word "skinny". Skinny girl, you look so skinny, skinny, skinny! I wanted to strangle her a little. Granted, I have lost weight, a good amount it seems, cause I can fit pretty comfortably into pants and clothes that I bought back when I was 16 or so, so that's good. That does not mean I am skinny, for, to me, I am still super fat.
Hence the off schedule working out today.
Kept hearing the word skinny and just didn't feel it, so worked my ass off today to try and make me feel better...
I was feeling pretty good about me till then, but I guess I just have more motivation. Meh. I am happy about the clothes thing though, if I can gett skinnier than I was at 16, then...well, I dunno, I'll be pleased.
Moving on.
I made a petticoat! It's not super puffy like my last one, but I really just wanted some security that I wasn't gonna flash everyone at the Halloween party, which I think is a good idea as the people I will most likely be talking to most of the night really don't wanna get an eye-full of my panties (except Brad) and since I haven't found a solution for my top they might just get an eye full of boob, which won't make them too comfortable either (except Brad). Well, I'm working on it, but it's a top that was designed for those not so well-endowed as me, and it's practically a bustier, what can I do! I'm stumped. Stupid Boobs. Cast would appriciate it, why not everyone else?? Bah! Boys, I'll never understand.
Did I mention that I am tired from my workout? I did? Well...I am.
As for the school thing, they want money money money, and they don't seem to get yet that I don;t have any to give them. Hm. Well, they haven;t thrown me out yet, so that's a good sign, yes? I need to read for a reading quiz in history on Wednesday, and then a Test the following Monday, that I would like to do well on...Wouldn't we all? I'm just not a studier. In art this is just a work week, so that is good, mostly. I need to take a Quiz in my online class this week too before Sunday....and write a short paper in Comm, busy busy busy.
I hope Halloween is fun...
Doo-de-doop pa-dee la-la, doo-de-doop pa-dee la-la.