I'm tired of:School, being lonely.
I am listening to:
A fan, room mate is sleeping and I don't wanna wear my headphones.
Maybe I should:
Study for tests...
I Wish:
I had all my sewing stuff with me, and more.
Chocolate is:
What feeds my soul!
I last ate:
A Special K bar, Strawberry is the best!
The meaning of my display name is:
Uhh...I'mma Bunny?
Right now I'm craving:
Is so complicated.
Was ghastly boring, so normal.
I sleep till 2 pm.
Is your cell phone right by you?
It's about 4 feet away from anywhere in my room...besides, you know, closer to it...
Do you miss someone?
I do, even though I see them regularly.
Are you tired?
Are you wearing pajamas?
I'm wearing what I count as PJ's, I just sleep without the shorts and Hoodie, unless is cold, then I keep the Hoodie. <3 = Hoodies.
Are you upset?
Not upset, but I get that way sometimes.
Last drink?
Hot Chocolate with tiny delicious marshmallows.
Last phone call?
My mother...5 days ago. Cell phones are so wasted on me.
Last time you cried?
Saturday night, while I walked home alone, in the cold, pushing my bike.
Laughed until you almostt cried?
I'm sure I have.
Met someone who changed your life?
This Year? Let me think....No, not Met I don't think...
Is there something you want to tell someone?
Yes. Stop teaming up with your room mate against me on everything I say, it's beginning to make me want to cry regularly, and you are too amused to notice.
You're really upset; who is the first girl and boy you go to?
Depends on why and what day of the week it is, but if there aren't Issues like that (which suck) then Brad, and myself...
Oh, and Bear!
Does it matter to you if your boyfriend/girlfriend smokes?
It matters, cause I will smoke, I have issues not smoking now, and I have never smoked in my life. I want a cigarette.(I'll die, though)
Do you think you've made a difference in anyone's life?
I doubt it, but people have told me I have.
Have you ever tattooed anyone's name on you?
How many piercings do you have?
Have you ever found more than a dollar in a random place?
Define "found".
Last time you laughed really hard?
It's been a while.
When is your next holiday?
Know anyone addicted to anything?
Yeah, sure.
Where is your pet(s) right now?
I don't really have any anymore, they keep getting killed or given away while I'm away at school.
What outfit do you have on at this exact moment?
PJ's that probably need some laundy "love"...
Have you eaten popcorn in the past 48 hours?
What were you doing at 7 AM?
Listening to my roommate be on her phone, yelling at her Ex.
For 2 hours.
How do you feel?
Satisfied. Uh..I wasn't doing anything naughty before this, honest!
When was the last time you talked to your number 1 on your top?
Do you prefer warm or cold weather?
Cooler weather.
Where are you right now?
Dorm room.
What time did you go to sleep last night?
3:30 am
What/who woke you up today?
Alarm Clock, and Room mate.
Have you ever been given an engagement ring?
Who was the last person to make you laugh?
Are you naturally pale/tanned/olive skinned etc? Pale, very pale.
Do you use fake tan? No, I probably would look hotter if I did, but not cute I don't think.
Do you have freckles? Yeah, but they aren't interesting.
What about moles? Nope
Do you check your moles regularly?
Do you get many spots/acne? Not Many, not if I wash my face everyday.
Is your skin oily, dry etc? Oily, unfortunately
Do you exfoliate often? I dunno...
Do you have naturally rosy cheeks? I have a naturally rosy FACE. I turn red easy.
What do you do to care for your skin , Wash, Wipe with special cleaner, apply cleansing gel.
What is your natural hair colour? Uhhh...I really don;t know.
What colour is it now? Blondish, dark-blonde, greenish, blueish, purpleish...
Do you dye your hair often? Been lazy recently. (and broke)
What about bleaching it? I have.
Do you curl, crimp or straighten your hair? On;y if it's for a certain look.
Do you use a hairdryer or let it dry naturally? Naturally, I have too much hair.
How long is your hair? Alllll the way down to the middle of my butt.
Do you get it trimmed often? No, I trim it when I get bored, but it grows back quick.
What is your natural style [Straight, wavy etc]? Straight with a Slight wave, heavu tendency to tangle and frizz and ends.
What is it’s texture? Middling and smooth.
How often do you wash your hair? Whenever it's dirty.
Did you know that washing it daily strips it of it’s natural oils? I did not, good to know.
Do you have to use medicated shampoo? No.
Do you suffer from dandruff at all? No.
What other products other then dye, shampoo and conditioner do you use? Uhhhh...None? I'm lazy...
What colour are your eyes? Probably Blueish right now, but usually green, or sometimes hazel.
Are you happy with them? Oh, yes.
Did you inherit your eyes off a family member? Sorta...
Do your eyes get dry often? Not really..
Do they change colour at all? Yes.
Do you use daily eye drops? Nope.
How good is your vision? Getting worse every year, but only a little.
Do you use anything to improve your vision? Yeah.
Do you go to the optician regularly? No.
What shape eyes do you have? Smallish, round.
Do you have long or short eyelashes? Long as all hell, for some gods-awful reason.
What makeup do you use to outline your eyes? Normally none, Laaaaazy girl, I go au-naturel. But sometimes mascera.
Have you ever had an eye infection? No.
Do your eyebrows match your hair colour? Maybe.
Do they stand out or blend in? You sorta don't care about them, but if I change em I look way off...
Do you ever pencil them? No, They are kinda...big.
Are they shaped? Is that a trick question?
Are they bushy? Only slightly I would think...
Do you pluck or wax them? Lazy girl, and I keep loosing all my tweezers, so neither.
How often?
Are you happy with their shape?They are Eyebrows for peats sake! Back off!
Is your nose big or small? It is a fine nose.
Do you get black heads on your nose often? No, not really.
Are you quite a nasal person? No.
Do you twitch your nose a lot? Not on purpose.
Do you have any bumps/lumps on your nose? No.
Can you naturally see your nostrils or is the end very flat? I'd like to phone a friends, please?
Do you like your nose? Sure, it isn't my mom's, so that's awesome.
Do you naturally sit with your mouth open or closed? Closed
Do you smile with your mouth open or closed? If I am actually very happy and not paying attention to how I look, open, if I am aware and concerned, closed, but not always.
Do you show your gums when you smile? No
Do you brush your teeth regularly? Define "regularly"
Do you ever brush your tongue? Yes.
Are your teeth straight? Yeah
Are your teeth pearly white or slightly discolored? Discolored probably. Nobody's perfect.
Are any of them rotting? Not that I'm aware of...
Do you have any cavities? No
Do you have any fillings? No
Have you ever had braces or a retainer? No
Do you go to the dentist regularly? No.
Do you suffer from bad breath? Sometimes
Do you still have your tonsils? Yes
Are any of your wisdom teeth through?I don't know
Are your teeth small or large? Small?
Are your lips pale pink or dark pink? It changes, sometimes pale, sometimes really red.
Do your lips get cracked often? They can
Do you wear lipstick, lipgloss or chapstick? When I need to.
Do you get ulcers often? No
Are your ears small or large? Small?
Are they hidden by your hair? Sometimes
Or do they stick out? No
Have you ever had an operation to pin them back? No
Do you get a lot of wax build up? No
Ever had them syringed? No
Do you clean them often? Yes, I love to clean my ears..
How good is your hearing? Selective.
Have you ever had tinnitus? No?
Or any other ear infection? Yes
Do you get earaches a lot? No
Are you happy with your ears? Yes? I mean, I need them after all.
Toenails & Fingernails
Are your nails always cut short? Not cut, bitten, and my toenails never grow.
Do you paint them often? No, I'll just end up eating it, and toes stays on forever.
What is their current colour? Nothing.
Do you file them? No, files give me the willies.
Do you shape them? Uhh?
Do you ever wear jewels on them? I would EAT them remember?
Have you ever had your nails done professionally? Yes
Do your nails grow bent or in any odd shapes? No
Are your nails strong or weak? I dunno, they usually don;t get long enough to find out.
Do they grow fast? Not at all
Do you use a strengtheners on them? Toenails I do
Do you use nail clippers or scissors? *NOMNOMNOM* and clippers
Do they get dirt underneath them a lot? Normal I would think
Do you get hitchy side bits of skin a lot? Yes
Do you bite your nails? All the time.
Do you get white marks in your nails often? No
Have you ever lost a nail completely? No, crushed and detached a few though
Have you ever had an ingrowing nail? I dunno
Are your hands large or small? Small
Are your hands smooth or rough? Not baby smooth, but not candy-sculptor tough.
Do you have any burns or scars on them? Yes
Do you have all 8 fingers and all 2 thumbs? Yes
Do you wear rings? Only one, always.
Do your knuckles ever click? Like, pop? Sure
Have you ever had your palm read? No..That would be neat
Are your hands hairy? Not at all
Are they wrinkly and worked? Not especially so, I don't think
Are you quite muscular? Nope lol
Do you have wide hips? I dunno..
What about wide shoulders? I could be a miniature football player
Are you overweight? Probably *shoots self*
Do you have long legs and arms? Normal nor me?
Does your belly button stick in or out? Innie
Do you get hair on your tummy? If I do it's too fine to see or feel
What about on your nipples? LOLOL...No
Do you shave your armpits? Yes
Do you shave your legs? Sure
Anywhere else you shave? "bow chick wow wow" <-I left that answer, it fits so well.
How often do you shave? Once every week or two I guess?
What deodorant do you wear? Uhh, Axe?
Do you sweat quite a bit? Yeah
Do you wear perfume and/or body spray? Sometimes
Do you use moisturizer? Occasionally
What size shoe do you wear? 6.5 to a 7
Do you like your feet? I guess
Do you wear toe rings? No
Do your feet ever smell? No
Do you use foot deodorant? No lol
Do your toes click often? No
Do you have dry and hard heels? Yeah, sorta
Are your feet hairy? No lol
Does sock fluff stick between your toes? Ewww, no.
Do your feet sweat a lot?No