Pharyngula, the writer of The Atlas of Creation!, Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar) is hosting an anti-evolution
essay competition. Essays must be hand written (odd), and no more than 60 pages long. Entries are due in December of '09, so get crackin'! I brought the Atlas of Creation to a party once, and good times were had by all as we admired the beautiful photos of fossils (reprinted without copyright permission), and bizarrely false accompanying text. For those who are unfamiliar, Harun Yahya is a Muslim (who thinks the 2nd coming of Christ is approaching, though, I've never figured this out) in Turkey who mass produces lots of short-earth creationism books in several languages and gives them out for free. He's a hot mess.
The website and books always boggle my mind because they are so BLATANTLY false and illogical that it hurts my brain. The latest new thing is a new website they've created celebrating
The 200th Anniversary of Darwinism's Collapse You have GOT to check it out, and turn up the volume. There's an animated Darwin face wearing a jester's cap and clown makeup, singing Jingle Bells for some reason. According to this website, they're going to do lots of anti-evolution stuff during the same time scientists will be celebrating Darwin Day (around Feb 12, 2009). But they call it the 200th Anniversary of Darwinism's Collapse - Darwin was BORN 200 years ago, he didn't publish Origin of Species until 150 years ago, so it doesn't even make sense.
But Jingle Bell Clown Darwin FTW!. This will keep me amused all through the grey winter. Thanks Atlas of Creation!