Jerry Jalette, Esquire

Jun 20, 2005 14:16

I got suckered into buying a copy of Esquire that had Brian from The Family Guy on the cover, promising an interview with Seth McFarlane.

Seems a little too pretentious for my liking, and also trying to appeal to the Maxim crowd with its random obscenities and "Ask the Sexy Girl questions by email, and maybe one will sleep with you" column (why is Sexy Girl capitalized, while I ignore the rest of the faux title and abandon decorum? I don't know).

Anyway, the McFarlane interview was all of one page, but there are some interesting tidbits strewn throughout the part of the magazine that I got through this morning. On the toilet. At least I wasn't using my cell phone to call people.

I thought that these two things were interesting. Shel Silverstein, from Where the Sidewalk Ends has a rock 'n' roll CD out that sports the following lyrics -

"It took several months of urgin'
Just to get that local virgin
With the sweet face
Up to my place
To fool around a bit.
Next day she woke up rosy,
And she snuggled up so cozy.
When she asked me how I liked it,
Lord it hurts me to admit,
I got stoned and I missed it."

Wow. Mister Rogers is dead, Micheal Jackson is Michael Jackson, and Shel Silverstein is insane. Somebody keep an eye on Raffi.

"Down by the bay,
Where no one can see..."

Second part of interest - Journalist Mike Sager googles his own name, and finds several hundred Mike Sagers. He then proceeds to stalk some in a cross country expedition, and writes about. Not a bad little piece.

How many people pulled up the Google page? I'm guessing Conor wins. "Conor Maguire." "Conor's amature smutlike pictures." "Conor's ego." The list goes on.
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