Interesting Update, stolen from Caitie

Oct 14, 2005 15:57

1. I was in 7th grade at Mason Middle School.
2. I was still wearing a cast from my fingertips to my armpit from where I broke my arm at Ashley's birthday party.
3. I had the biggest crush on Javy Lopez.... oh wait, still do. :)
4. My boys were just about to clinch the World Series title.
5. I finally "went out with" Matt Schatzel, which lasted about 6 days while we were on a Motocross road trip.

1. Almost to the DAY, Eric (BF of 4 years) dumped me (for the first time). Holy crap, what a horrible weekend. Much love to Sal Churi, though, who was a freshman that saved life during my Senior Homecoming. Love you, little bro :)
2. I was captain of the Varsity cheerleading squad but wanted to quit because I HATED my cocaptain. I really missed Captain Ally that year... I was MUCH cooler co- than ********. :)
3. I slept about 3.5 hours a night, every night, after cheerleading, ballet, homework and the Marriott.
4. The whole John saga began, as did my love for Miami University. (Thanks to Ashley O.)
5. I had every single class with Leah .... oh, the laughter and tears :)
6. I weighed 102 pounds. ** pounds fewer than I do now.

1. Was the first semester of nursing clinicals with my LOVELY class. If only I knew what drama was in store, I'd have ran for my life.
2. I was a newlywed.
3. I attended my first CHCA homecoming game as cheerleading coach.... LOVE those girls!
4. I was making my first payment on my trip to Rome, renewing my passport, etc.
5. I got a new iBook and iPod.

1. Miami's football team lost to Central Michigan and sucked hardcore from then until now.
2. I started failing all my classes.
3. I got refferred to a GI specialist and haven't gone yet.
4. I skipped class to drive 25 minutes for some Apple Cider. It tasted like water.
5. We paid off the Disney trips

1. I learned how horrible the nursing program administration REALLY is.
2. We spent a few hours narrowing down residency programs. Still have about 75 nursing schools to work on, though.
3. We were faced with makinga decision on moving (not The Move, but a move. with little notice.)
4. The Bengals were still undefeated.
5. I cried a lot.

1. I cried a lot.
2. I called Rishan, because we're cool again. And he rocks.
3. I bought some new clothes, even though I'm broke. (retail therapy, what can I say)
4. I realized that I'm most likely going to fail my OB final on Monday because I refuse to study.
5. I laughed really hard during Joey, which made me happy. It was a first, and I missed laughing at Joey.

1. I decided that my last day at work will be December 4th or 8th... assuming I can last that long.
2. I got a super cute email from Cassi "reminding me" that Disney in 2 months we'll be leaving for Disney.
3. I need to finish wasting time online so that I can get ready to go to CHCA.
4. I got recruited by Jamie from Nelson's, because he thinks I rock.
5. I feel pretty much numb, which is better than crying a lot.
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