Of sudden posts and 300 workouts

Mar 25, 2007 11:51

Been remiss in updating this creature. Finally a weekend truly free of work-hassles.

New job, new responsibilities, new stress; love it actually to an extent that I've been bringing home work even during weekends and I love it. I guess my old job had me bringing home work I could do with my eyes closed and after a while it just got a bit too "feh". That, and a couple of other issues I'd rather just purge out of my system.

So yeah, I made the "switch" a couple of months ago. Been meaning to post from my babeeehhh but alas, I have yet to find some quality time with it. It doesn't help that it's in the hospital right now getting something changed. Oh and with the current job I work with 2 windowze machines every single day, and most of the things I have to do I can only do through the peecees (and my service laptop), so my mac is pretty much a music, movie, productivity and downloading thingamajig...FOR now.


So yeah. I'm sure everyone has seen 300, and I'm sure the debate and claims that the actors had a lot of CGI working for them or they had make-up artists who kicked major ass when it came to ab-faking -- well head on over to gymjones and checkout the "300-workout". Interesting stuff for you gymrats.


Oh and a Crocs store just opened by my favourite coffee shop over at the promenade. Fuck.

300 mac switching gymjones

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