of lynch-ing, gervais, silly string, and fuggly footwear

Dec 08, 2006 15:45

IFC bit (w/ podcast) on David Lynch's new movie Inland Empire, the link also has this small list (5) of the staff-writer's favourite Lynch characters.

My own little list.

1. The Radiator Lady from Eraserhead

2. John Merrick a.k.a The Elephant Man

3. My fave Lynch character OAT: Michael J. Anderson a.k.a (aptly) The Man from Another Place from Twin Peaks

4. Mystery Man from Lost Highway

5. Mr Percolator Himself, Jack Nance a.k.a Pete Martell from Twinpeaks. He also played Henry Spencer in Eraserhead

Ahhh Lynch-goodness. Alavet. Quoting something from the link (on Lynch's characters): "...beautiful freaks, larger-than-life ingénues and inexplicable entities that immediately lodge themselves in your memory".


If you've been living under a rock, and have not been able to catch an episode of The Office, head on out kiddo! And download/buy/steal/kill anything/anywhere to watch an episode! While you're at it, go and catch an episode of The IT Crowd too. Ok? OK?

Oh yeah I'm pimping The Office just because there's this neat article on Ricky Gervais over at Wired.com

Ricky Gervais also has a kick-ass fart-funny podcast: The Ricky Gervais show!
Oh and there's a US version of The Office. I've still to watch an episode, but I heard it's just as good.



This logo, to me, brings about the similar feelings/fear whenever I see skull-and-cross-bones
(READ: Poison), Or Carlos Agassi's ABnormal-pics:
. READ: Stay Away!

Seriously. I have friends who dig 'em. Lia's one of 'em. Brrr...I just can't stand how these dastardly abominations disguised as trendy footwear are actually worn by practically every other person I see in malls!!! FUGGGGGLLLLYYY I tell ya.


Brrr.....Fugly. Dutch-maid-shoes-from-hell/mars.

Oh and their flip-flop line is just barely bearable.


Oh and I'm using this as a segway to these equally horric pictures of ELEPHANT-footwear for kids (who thinks of these goddamned things?!!).

*Boingboing article

Back in the day we had:

Bow Biters:

The Reebok Pump:

And those acid-tripping LA Gear Lights:

Now these..Grrr...


Oh and since I went kinda retro there, remember Silly String? 'Ya know, that gunk-in-a-can that spews out spaghetti-confetti? Anyway, so yeah, apparently US soldiers use the stuff to detect trip-wires each time they enter a building/room. Coolness.


Oh, and one last bit. c/o Boingboing: Hollywood's dumbest depictions of code. Having done my fair share of coding, this made me laugh. Non-geeks need not click. :)

"...but last I checked my terminal app doesn't require OpenGL. I'm working here, bitches - I'm not playing quake."


lynch, ricky gervais, crocs, silly string

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