Headcanon stuff

Sep 03, 2010 03:12


1. Kururu has a love/hate relationship with his "Bad Reputation" seeing as he dislikes it when he's considered unpopular with fans on Keron. (Remember that chapter in the manga?) He keeps up his bad rep solely because he's been building it for so long, it'd be weird not to.

2. Kururu is quite capable of doing a few good things here and there. In fact, he doesn't mind doing them at all. He just doesn't do it often because he has his bad image to keep up. Plus he wants to have some good, ~*~*~*innocent*~*~*~ fun.

3. Secretly, he wishes he had an awesome brother like Garuru so he's probably a bit envious of Giroro |D;

4. One day, Kururu is going to do to Keroro what Keroro did to Kururu. An "Eye for an eye" as they say.

5. Kururu has NO FEELINGS WHATSOEVER (other than the aforementioned envy) towards Giroro. Kururu just acts like a faggot over him to make him feel uncomfortable and to yank his chains everywhere.

6. Kururu kind of has a perverted crush on Aki Hinata. I mean, he has a freaking pillow that he cuddles up to that has Aki's picture on it. If that doesn't say pervy crush, I don't know what does.

7. Reason for Kururu's crush? He probably has a mother complex or he has mommy issues. I actually don't have a good clue, I picked maternal related issues because he's (I think) the only one who hasn't had any canon info on his parents and it was the first thing that came to mind :(


1. Kururu continues to be an ass to people due to being weird NOT to. However it's less keeping his reputation up (since he HAD no reputation on Island aside from what he already cultivated) and more because it's much more fun to yank around people's chains.

2. Conan was the first person he's ever met that never settled with what everyone told him. Kururu's interest in him is mostly due to trying to see how much he can go before he finally cracks wide open.

3. He has no qualms fucking around with the detective and acting like a complete idiot because, again, it's so much more fun watching him trying to solve the impossible puzzle and he genuinely gets an ego boost whenever Conan starts believing he's a moron who isn't as genius as he claims.

4. One part of the reason Kururu is so attracted to Prier is that he sees a lot of Aki Hinata in her, and Aki is kinda his perverted crush. Most of it is on a physical level.

5. While Kururu's crush on Aki could be for a number of reasons, his initial interest in Prier was strictly due to how strange and upside-down her world (and by association, the world(s) of N1) is. It changed once he started to act upon his emotions rather than just silently stalk watch from his hidey hole.

6. Kururu doesn't tell the platoon and human partners (when we HAD a lot of Keroro characters) about his relationship with Prier simply because it's none of their business and they'll find out sooner or later anyway.

7. With TYL, Kururu mellows out a lot and settles down with kids and such. Kururu would end up getting tired of keeping up his jerk-off attitude and start acting more ... normal. He'll still bring out the jackass when it comes to certain people, but for the most part, that part of his personality will eventually start being put on the back burner.

This started to become more like a numbered character essay thing. whoops.


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