Pat's dad throws a beer party?

Nov 29, 2003 21:33

Danzig004: just got home from the skate park
Danzig004: yeah right
Rebel Elph: im serious
Rebel Elph: burn 420 is buying
Danzig004: yeah right
Danzig004: prove it
Rebel Elph: remeber how he was talking about the rutgers game to me
Danzig004: yeah
Rebel Elph: i made a bet that if rutgers wins he has to buy me a 30 pack of coors
Rebel Elph: and rutgers won
Rebel Elph: so he owes me
Rebel Elph: he just called joshs cell phone
Danzig004: did he say he would buy it?
Rebel Elph: and was like
Rebel Elph: yeah
Rebel Elph: he was like
Danzig004: yeahhhhh righhhhtttt
Rebel Elph: "Beer party tonight!!!!"
Danzig004: so he said hes buyinh it and to come over?
Rebel Elph: yeah
Rebel Elph: said we should bring "our punk asses" over
Rebel Elph: and see what a man drinking looks like
Danzig004: hahaha
Danzig004: oh my god
Rebel Elph: he sounded real happy
Danzig004: are you going???
Rebel Elph: i guess with lilly out
Rebel Elph: hell yeah
Danzig004: that is awsome
Rebel Elph: said he was gonna show me his third nipple if he gets drunk enough
Danzig004: you liar
Danzig004: your making this shit up
Rebel Elph: no im not lying
Rebel Elph: NO!
Danzig004: your insane
Danzig004: you made that all up?
Rebel Elph: no
Danzig004: damn liar
Rebel Elph: It really happened!
Danzig004: boy who cried walf
Rebel Elph: no man
Rebel Elph: ask pat about the beer party
Rebel Elph: what did he say?
Danzig004: your a liar
Rebel Elph: what pat didnt say yes?
Danzig004: your the boy who cried wolfs
Danzig004: he said no
Rebel Elph: pat's a liar
Rebel Elph: hes the boy who called wolf
Rebel Elph: he is just mad because his dad wants to drink with us
Rebel Elph: im telling you to go over there and ask burn 420 about the beer
Danzig004: Greedo6507: brets just messing around dont listen to him
Danzig004: see your a liar
Rebel Elph: no way man
Rebel Elph: I would never lie about beer
Danzig004: dude then why the hell are you not up there?
Rebel Elph: im waiting for you
Rebel Elph: ill feel wierd if he shows me his third nipple by himself
Rebel Elph: it would creep me out man
Danzig004: liar
Rebel Elph: NO!

Rebel Elph: Your lying to yourself
Rebel Elph: THAT IT IS A LIE!
Rebel Elph: when in reality
Rebel Elph: its you lying
Danzig004: seriously, your lying
Rebel Elph: ...
Rebel Elph: yeah
Rebel Elph: no
Rebel Elph: im only telling the truth
Rebel Elph: look jim
Rebel Elph: beer party
Rebel Elph: pats
Rebel Elph: be there
Danzig004: yeah ok..
Rebel Elph: he said bring your game face
Rebel Elph: said he doesnt want any bitch ass niggas around
Danzig004: now i really believe you
Rebel Elph: Jim come on he talks like that all the time
Danzig004: : I
Danzig004: liar
Danzig004: boy who cried wolf
Rebel Elph: im putting this on the live journal
Rebel Elph: then when you read about it
Rebel Elph: and hear about the party your gonna get all upset
Rebel Elph: probably cry and shit
Danzig004: atleast ill be saved when i cry wolf
Danzig004: to ill be back on in 20 minutes im running to pathmark with my sister
Danzig004: brb
Rebel Elph: peace
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