Jul 10, 2003 10:43

Note to self: New Idea for a T.V. show

I want a show where the main character is a dirty greesy dude with a penciled in mustache who wears hawaiin shirts and is allways drunk or has some sort of achool in his hand(I narrowed it down to DWI arrest Nick Nolte or the non peewee Paul Ruebens.) Anyway the charecter was a thriving porn star until a incident happens on one of the sets (the incident will never be explained but allways hinted at during the show. Sort of like the spaggetti incident in Watersons calvin in hobbes.) Now that the characters once thriving porn star carrer is kaput he recycles beer cans and becomes a detective to pay the rent.

Guidlines in each episode: In each episode the Main character will some how fight a sasquash. It doesnt matter if he is in the woods of the Western Paccific or in a super market, You better believe bigfoot is comming out of a refridgerator and attacking him as he is shopping for cantalop.

- Also the bigfoot fight scenes will have to be a minium of 5 mins long. During the scenes a crazy intense guiar solo will play through out the fight. No explaination of why it happens will be given before or after the fight or at all in the series. Basiclly it just happens and no one really questions it. Live with it.

- The main villan will be the land lord who is looking for the rent and in each episode he will be played by Gilbert Godfried.

- His "mentor" is his nieghbor who will be played by Oliver platt. Whos suggestions to help solve the case basicly extend from "fuck it lets go get drunk" to "fuck that lets go get some beers."

-There will be one episode that just conists of the Main chracter going to a laundry mat. Nothing else. Just him in a laundry mat.

- Every female in the series will at one time be naked. For no particuliar reason at all (Ie: Its raining and I dont want to get my new shirt wet) OHHHHHH YEAH!!!!



- His rivals will included hard working morden day productive members of society, Hippies, Neo-Feminists and people who put sweaters on there cats and talk to them like they are babies. DMV guy, soccer moms, Angst teens, Obnoxious record store clerk and anyone who uses the phrase "whatever".

- John Doe never funny

- The main character will try to get laid every episode and will get assualted from a range of a swift kick to the nuts or pepper spray to the face.

- There will be over the top sound effects for everything. (IE: If a girl takes her shirt off there will be a "BOOOOOIIIIIINNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGG" sound efect.

-There will be an actual 5 mins spent on solving the mystery and thats if were out content.

-His side kick will be a foul mouth old guy who allways smokes cigars. played by of course grandpa munster.

- In the last episode the main character will team up (no explaination why) with big foot who will be voiced by Ted Copple.

Well thats the basic premise of it all I need is a few million dollars a ticket to la and ...a script.

Look I need a name for the characters and for show post anything I would really apperciate input and if not thats cool to. If your offended by anything I wrote you should probably prick yourself with a aids needle and take the express train to hell.

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