JL fic -- The Blind Typing Monkeys Series

May 06, 2007 21:37

Title: Blind Typing Monkeys [JL]
Author: Jerico Cacaw
Fandom: Justice League
Characters: Wally West
Rating/Warnings: FRC

Summary: Wally and gorillas, the story of his life. Happens somewhere in the close future.

Notes: Last friday I made and entry about blind typing monkeys. This is what inspiration gave me.


It was weird.

Or it would be weird if he weren’t The Flash because, really, which other superhero faced as many talking gorillas as he did? Not that this one was talking -- in fact, it seemed content with beating an old fashioned typing machine, similar to the ones shown in countless black and white detective-with-an-attitude kind of movies.

Or in that old Superman flick (and really, who would believe Hollywood could be so close to the truth? He hadn’t, and so he said to Clark soon after hearing about the Man of Steel’s civil identity. Of course, it had been followed by Clark’ explanation of his hiding-on-plain-sight theory, which Wally found utterly cool and gave serious consideration right till the moment Batman advised on Him Not Trying It -- advising being a nice way to say it).

But back to typing gorillas. This one seemed to know what he --Wally thought it ought to be a he; no she should ever be as hairy-- was doing, even if using a pair of dark glasses and having his eyes covered with a glossy, whitish film (yes, Wally got close enough to notice that detail; he also was aware of the gorilla smelling slightly like grape juice and apples).

So maybe the gorilla was writing gibberish, but at least he did it with the right attitude.

Looking at the pile of used sheets stocked over the desk (and the chairs, bed, shelves and really everywhere; but Wally was closest to the desk so those he looked at), he took the one in the top without asking for permission. If the gorilla had not complains on the sniffing, such a little thing shouldn’t bother him.

“Save the cheerleader”, quoted Wally while grinning and winking to the gorilla, who continued ignoring him. “Exactly the kind of story I like,” he muttered to himself.

Then he read the next pages at fast-speed (not his fastest one, but still fast enough to make the casual witness dizzy), and frowned. Things made little sense, but that might be because the first page he read had been … oh, 274. So yep, that it was.

He gave a second look to the place, tapping his feet.

Running around the room, it didn’t took him long to have the whole manuscript --and the room, as a plus-- perfectly organized. Flopping onto the now empty bed and getting comfortable, he grinned once again at the silent gorilla. Weird enough, the hairy guy paused and tilted his head in Wally’s direction before resuming his typing.

Maybe it was his way to say thanks, Wally considered, smiling again and taking page one. There were exactly 23068 pages stacked by the bed’s side, a number he could go over in almost no time. But number 23069 was being written, and he was in no hurry. He had no idea where he was, but GL’s last instructions while he was vanishing had been simple: Stay there; we’ll find you.

Sighing contently and thinking about thanking Lex Luthor for building the ray that had send him to this place (or maybe not; Clark might pop an artery), Wally started to read. He just hoped his friends hadn’t gone Lord-y. He liked his word the way it was, thank you very much, and Shayera might have a tendency to redecorate it when enraged.

The End

Or maybe not. I'm writting other stories in what I've come to call The Blind Typing Monkeys Series. You might be interested in reading the fics I wrote for other fandoms (I'll link them in my Complete List of fics when they are done).

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language: english, fandoms: dc comics, fanfic: mine

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