Dec 09, 2008 08:33
Ugh, it's 9:30 and I've been up over 5 hours already.
I guess I shouldn't really complain. Last night Kris and I crashed at about, oh, 9:30 with Allyson in her crib. So getting up after 4am this morning was really a decent night's sleep. I changed her pants and gave her a bottle, and set her in her swing. Then I discovered why getting up early is good for you - it lets you get stuff done. In my case, what I got done wasn't all that productive. I believe that I've now seen every ending in Disgaea...the regular ending, Almaz's Super Hero ending, the ending from defeating Strongest Overlord a second time (when he's like level 1200), the Raspberyl "endings" (like Mid-Boss endings from the first game; you lose a battle to a specific recurring character), and this morning I got Laharl's ending. Unlike the first Disgaea, the generic ending is the best, because it lets you go on and it's pretty-well resolved. The rest of the endings are kind of abrupt and way out in left field, which makes them funny, but it's obvious which ending is "right".
We're all sick. I started with it on Thursday. Thursday night Allyson scared everyone with a huge screaming tirade we'd never seen before - a little bit of a fever and a headache, I imagine...Tylenol made her a happy baby again inside a half hour. Sunday night, Kris started sneezing. Lovely time to be in our household.