Springtime for Hussein

Jan 31, 2009 09:11

One observation about facebook. I notice that a lot of people.... a lot of people..... have the middle name "Hussein." Clearly this is a movement of humor. You'll see something like Wesley Hussein Johnson, or Ricardo Hussein Rodriguez, or Amanda Hussein McDonald. I am amused.

In other "news" I am failing to write anything for my class today. I don't know what, besides a lack of time, is behind this block. I am behind. So buried, so, so buried. I owe a scene for this week, of which I have a first draft and need to work on now to make it funny, and I still owe a scene for last week, of which I have nothing.

I think I can partially blame facebook for this. Oh, wait. That wouldn't be in keeping with our new era of responsibility. Passing the buck is "so Bush era." I guess I'll blame myself then for this, but I'll imagine myself as a Republican when I'm doing the blaming.

Finally, Claire McCaskill is my new hero. If you get a chance, find an article about her remarks on the Senate floor yesterday regarding capping the salaries of all employees in bailed out firms. It includes the line, "These guys are idiots." Refreshing and candid for a Senator. Since it appears that Obama's plan won't limit salaries, for all his condemnation of them, I'm glad she introduced a bill to do so on behalf of taxpayers. The interview that the Huffington Post did with her is right here:


So here's to Claire Hussein McCaskill! Jeremy's "Hero of the Day!" (By the way, I gave up "heroine" years ago--it sounds too sexist for my taste.)

Ta, ta. I'm off to be a genius now.

bailout, facebook, hussein, obama, claire mccaskill

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