The end result of my boredom...

May 08, 2005 22:08

-First best friend: Brad Curtis. Weird, right?
-First car: The Sexy 6
-First kiss: Girl from different school...
-First screen name: I've been too lazy to change it, so Jer7280 -First self purchased album: The Offspring's first cd
because my friend and I got so excited when we heard that it had curse words in it.
-First funeral: My grandfather's
-First pets: Hermit Crab #1. There were a lot of them....
-First piercing/tattoo: None.
-First musician you remember hearing in your house: No idea.

-Last car ride: Coming home from the driving range.
-Last good cry: Not really any in a while, but I was kinda tearing when I got yelled at by the parents for the whole Metro Cell Phone incident.
-Last library book checked out: Huh?
-Last movie seen: Love Actually...more or less
-Last beverage drank: Coke. I'm addicted.
-Last food consumed: fruit snacks...I've been eating the same food since I was a little kid.
-Last phone call: Mitch
-Last time showered: This morning
-Last shoes worn: Golf shoes
-Last cd played: New Day at Midnight by David Gray
-Last item bought: Mother's day card
-Last annoyance: Parent's yelling at me about getting a job
-Last disappointment: Paris Hilton's acting in House of Wax
-Last time wanting to die: Never seriously
-Last shirt worn: Polo, of course
-Last website visited: Facebook
-Last song you sang: In my life, by the Beatles. And it should stay that way...
-Last color socks you were wearing? : white
-What color of underwear are you wearing? : Plaid-ish
-What time did you wake up today? : 11 maybe

-Where do you want to go? : Emory 09', so i hope I want to go there...
-What is your career going to be? : Something in marketing or management or...yeah, not quite sure
-Where are you going to live? : New York.
-How many kids do you want? : However many my wife wants...
-What kind of car (s): Some random car, until I hit my mid-life crisis and get a Jag.

-Current mood: Stressed
-Current music: The Format
-Current taste: Tic-tac-ish
-Current hair: Bad news bears
-Current clothes: Polo and golf shorts

-Nervous Habits? : Tapping my toes...tapping of all sorts really.
-Can you roll your tongue? : totally
-Can you raise one eyebrow at a time? : close enough
-Can you blow spit bubbles? : don't wanna know
-Can you cross your eyes? : not sure -Do you make your bed daily? : Haha. Funny...I have a maid/mother. Jp.

-Which shoe goes ON first? : The right one, of course
-Speaking of shoes and have you ever thrown one at anyone? : Well I have an older brother, so...
-On the average, how much money do you carry in your wallet? : $41.57 (Yeah I actually keep change in my wallet. Shutup)
-What jewelry do you wear 24/7? : Just a watch...
-Favorite piece of clothing? : Probably my track jacket...

-Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it: Twirl, of course
-Have you ever eaten Spam? : Fuck no
-Favorite ice cream flavor? : Chocolate love.
-How many cereals in your cabinet? 3, but I don't eat them cuz I never get up early enough
-What's your favorite beverage? : Hello, I am going to Coca Cola U...Der.
-What's your favorite restaurant? : Don't really have one. Depends what Im in the mood for...
-Do you cook? : Sorta.

-How often do you brush your teeth? : Morning and night
-Hair drying method? : Hafta blow dry
-Have you ever colored/highlighted your hair? No way

-Do you swear? : See Above Spam Question
-Do you ever spit? No thanks

-Animal? : Liger. Its bred for its skills in magic, so...
-Food? : Raspberries
-Month? : June...End of school.
-Day? : Friday. Beginning of the weekend!
-Favorite Cartoon Character? : Def. Tom, of Tom and Jerry. He never gives up in his quest to catch Jerry, and I respect that.
-Shoe Brand? : Whatever I am wearing
-Subject in school? : I'm an englishy kid
-Color? : Dunno. it used to be orange, but I was always too afraid to tell people that...
-Sport? : To play: Golf, football To Watch: Football, baseball. All sports really...
-TV show? : Scrubs and Family Guy, and then of course Real World and Laguna

-CD Player: In my car cd player, Pete Yorn
-Person you talk most ON the phone with? : Mitch
-Ever taken a cab? : yes
-Do you regularly check yourself out in store windows and mirrors? : Try not to
-What color is your bedroom? : Probably white...Never really noticed.
-Do you use an alarm clock? : Two of em. And my mom is the third. -Window seat or aisle? : Window...I like looking at the sky.

-What's your sleeping position? : On my side, facing the wall -Even in hot weather do you use a blanket? : Of course
-Do you snore? : Don't think so
-Do you sleepwalk? : Don't think so
-Do you talk in your sleep? : Don't think so
-Do you sleep with stuffed animals? I did for a while, but we had got into a big fight and we are taking some time off from eachother.
-How about with the light ON? : Only when I fall asleep while doing econ hw, which is A LOT.
-Do you fall asleep with the TV or radio ON? : Once again, econ. Damn you, Mc Tam Tams.
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