The end of the world.

Aug 14, 2007 11:35

Oh man. 9 million toys recalled? No wonder the guy killed himself; he probably would have been executed anyway. I guess I'm lucky I don't play with Barbie anymore.

My friends and I had a very nice discussion about religion last night. We didn't fight, though we might have offended a few. Kenny and I pretty much hold the same beliefs. We are the Agnostics when we're having a good day. I love how Janelle told Tim to his face that she thought his beliefs were fake because it's what everyone thinks but doesn't say. How can he be some goth satan loving kid one day and then turn into this Jesus-freak the next? Easy. He's following Chris, who in turn is following Easter (girlfriend). When Chris told me not to tell anyone he still smokes weed I told him he lost all his credibility with me. That's not true. He loves his girl and if he wants to prove it by going to church like a good boy, well then good for him. Religion was always a stranger to me. Beliefs were not forced on me when I was young so I grew up having my own choice. I couldn't see why I should believe, so I never did. I can honestly say that I never believed in God like I did Santa. Anyway, I finally put all that college "religion" class stuff to use. I was able to tackle their points with hardcore knowledge thanks to my wonderful Philosophy teacher. I've done my homework on religion so I feel comfortable in a debate.
Before we even had a debate we were scaring poor Janelle with all the theories of how we will die (the human race). We discussed nuclear bombs, the electro-magnetic field failing, and global warming. Oh and don't forget that asteroid headed this way. I can't wait to tell Chris I've done my research on the Apophis and it's going to be a near miss (1 in 43,000 chances). Lucky for us, there are just a million other things that will kill us while we still can.

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