Mar 15, 2006 03:35
Alright, so here is what I came up with..after thinking pretty much the entire night..
Well first off I realized that I really do care what people think of me..what a shocker.
I really wish I didn't care, but I do. I know that for the longest time I have been telling everyone to not care what everyone else thinks of them, and I have been saying that I don't care what other people think of me, but I would have to call bullshit on myself. I know that deep down I do care what other people think of me, and how they perceive me. I know that I shouldn't, because people are going to think what they want to about me, but I really can't help it. I also decided that I am going to try and work on that, but in order to do that I think I need to be happy with myself first..which I am definetly not. My appearance is one thing I am definetly not happy with, as well as my attitude. I am horribly mean to people that don't deserve it at all. I say things to people I shouldn't, especially boys. I tend to tell them exactly whats on my mind at the time, not even thinking about how it would make them feel by saying it. I am sorry for that.
I have a lot more to post on this subject, but for now I will leave you with just this, because I am extremely tired.
Just know that I am determined to fix these things about me. I am sick of myself. Its time for a change