Title: Sometimes Life is Hard or The “5 Dream Dates That Sanazawa Had + 1 That Failed” Remix
Rating: PG-13
Group/Pairing: Sanazawa (w/ cameo appearances by Yamajima, Taiga+Uekusa Yuta, and Tegomass)
Warnings/Genre (ie mpreg, kinks, etc): Fail. Fluff?
Notes: So I wrote this, and failed. So I rewrote this, and got as far as a paragraph. And then there was a week left so I, uh, tried my best and
failed. There was an epilogue that tied things together better but it fell apart and shattered into a million pieces that got lost in the cracks. Long story short, sorry for destroying your fic ;_; Can you tell I’ve never written Sanazawa or a remix before?
Link to Original Story:
5 Dream Dates That Sanazawa Had + 1 That Failed Link to Original Writer:
xxxvengeancexxx It took Sanada several moments of staring at the ceiling before he realized that it was the moon and not the sun filtering in through the wiggly crack
between the two halves of his animal-print curtains. Which made sense, because the glow in the dark hands of the clock on his bedside table told him it was
barely three, and he was still tucked warmly into bed, and even he agreed that it was the middle of the night and he was still at home. It made him turn down
the corners of his lips a little.
“Oh, so it was a dream?” he said to himself, and pulled the blankets up over his head. “It was a nice dream.”
- - -
The morning dawned not so nice and clear, but Sanada happily dragged Nozawa out of his house anyways. A not so happy Nozawa who muttered something about
idiots who called at four in the morning for no reason and who didn’t even mention why they were on a bus to somewhere.
“I told you, it’s a date,” Sanada commented calmly.
“Yeah, but where are we going?” Nozawa sighed, and fiddled with the straps hanging off his phone. His sister had just given him another one that she said
would definitely give him good luck, but he was pretty certain that it had still been on her phone last week.
“Here!” Sanada said, and hopped to his feet, pulling Nozawa with him and nearly making the latter drop his phone.
“The zoo?” The bus drove away behind them in a quiet rumble of public transit engines as they stood by the stop and considered the nearby gates. Or rather,
Nozawa stood and considered. He tried to. Tried, because it was hard to either stand, or consider, or both, when Sanada had already grabbed his wrist and was
towing him towards the entrance. It was covered in cartoon animals which Nozawa thought made it look pretty tacky.
In the end, he stood and considered the sky as Sanada went to buy tickets after failing to charm the ticket lady to let them in for free. Nozawa also
wondered why Sanada looked so disappointed. But before he could consider or wonder for long, Sanada had already taken them both through the entrance.
“Do we have to do this?” Nozawa asked.
“Yes, it’ll be fun,” Sanada replied, and turned to grin at the other. “Besides, it’s a date.”
“Yes, I know, you’ve said a thousand times,” Nozawa grumbled, pulling himself from Sanada’s grip and straightening his collar. “But did we really have to
come all the way out here? I mean, it looks like it’s about to rain.”
For all the good that observation did. Sanada had already gone to get them a map.
- - -
“Are they-”
“Why are we even here?”
“Because they’re our kouhai!” Yuto hissed, and pulled Yamada back behind the bushes from which he’d been trying to escape from. “We have to make sure
that nothing goes wrong!”
Yamada rolled his eyes and picked leaves out of his hair. “They’re older than us,” he pointed out. “And Sanada’s been in Johnny’s for longer than both of
His words of wisdom however went sadly unnoticed. “Ah, they’re moving! Hurry up Yama-chan!” Yuto then proceeded to hide behind the next closest tree in true
ninja fashion, all five foot ten of sort-of flailing limbs pushing Yamada behind the first tree after that.
Yamada sighed and decided that he knew exactly how Nozawa probably felt right now. Except Nozawa wasn’t spending his date spying on someone else’s date. “Why
don’t we just go to a movie?” Yamada suggested, leaning against the tree. “Nothing’s gonna happen.” Probably.
“Shh. I think they’re going to hold hands!”
“How about we hold hands to the ice cream store instead?”
- - -
It took Nozawa a couple of tries between the giraffes and the warthogs and the lions to get parts of the dream out of Sanada. It cleared some things up -
like how the zoo in Sanada’s dream had a scary entrance but the ticket lady had let them in for free because she thought that Sanada was cute, and that the
long necked polka-dot animals had really been talking unicorns in disguise who had cast a magic spell on the lions so that they could ride them. None of
which really cleared anything up except that Sanada had weird dreams.
“You’re not still going to ask about riding the animals, are you?” Nozawa asked as he trundled behind Sanada who was navigating the zoo with their map. For
all he knew, they could be horribly lost right now and heading towards the frogs instead of the penguins.
Sanada made a sound halfway between a sigh and a cluck. “They might let us,” he said, and made an abrupt turn onto a path that they nearly passed.
Nozawa watched amused as Sanada backpedaled over a large rock and tripped. He looked pathetic enough that Nozawa offered him a hand.
Sanada took it and grinned happily. “I knew the penguins were right about holding hands!” he exclaimed.
Nozawa pulled away and continued towards the penguins.
Sanada scrambled to his feet and ran to catch up.
- - -
Taiga set the camera to burst mode and filled the memory card with pictures of Nozawa throwing fish to penguins and Sanada halfway there to hand holding.
“Now we can go bowling?” Yuta asked somewhat hopefully. Anything was better than stalking their senpai at the zoo.
Taiga looked thoughtfully at the last picture. It sort of looked like Nozawa’s hand was in Sanada’s. There should be enough for whatever purposes Shintaro
had in mind. “Let’s go to karaoke instead,” he said, pocketing the camera. The last time they’d gone bowling…Well…
- - -
“Look at how big its mouth is!” Sanada grinned and reached for Nozawa’s hand again in the hopes that Nozawa wouldn’t brush him away this time. Nozawa did.
Nozawa tossed a fish lightly over the railing, and it arced through the air to land in the big mouth of the penguin that Sanada had pointed out. “Last one,”
Nozawa said, stuffing the mostly empty cup into Sanada’s hands. It was safer when there was something in them.
After they said good bye to the penguins and the penguin keepers, Sanada decided that they should go see the monkeys.
“The monkeys could dance!”
Nozawa decided that it must have been one interesting dream.
In the end, the monkeys were just as fun as the penguins. Somewhere between comparing them to Hip Hop Jump and NEWS, Nozawa began to think that the zoo date
wasn’t so bad (but he still wasn’t going to let Sanada hold his hand). By the time they got to SMAP (which ended in nervous giggling in case someone
overheard them and told on them to the senpai groups), Sanada declared that he was hungry. Nozawa agreed, and they headed off to the nearest place which sold
overpriced but mostly edible food.
- - -
“It’s raining,” Massu said somewhat sadly as they huddled beneath an umbrella.
Tegoshi continued staring at the people tucked under the overhang of the restaurant. “I do not look like a monkey,” he said mostly to himself but sort
of in reply to Massu at the same time.
Massu followed Tegoshi’s gaze. “Can we get food too?” he asked.
Tegoshi was still busy listing all the differences between lesser primates and himself.
- - -
“This didn’t happen in my dream,” Sanada mumbled as they huddled together under the veranda, paper bags of food in hand.
“I’m certain none of this happened in your dream,” Nozawa replied, wishing that he’d either brought his sister’s umbrella with him or that they could have
stopped the whole date thing at his house. “Can’t we just go home?”
There was a moment of pseudo-silence as Sanada thought about the benefits of going home. A moment. A very brief moment. “But we’re on a date,” he said. “We
never go on dates. It’ll be fine. It’ll stop raining in a minute.”
Nozawa sighed. “How about we go back to mine and watch a movie or something? It’ll be more interesting.” He paused. Took a sort-of-not-really-noticeable step
towards Sanada. “…And warmer,” he added.
Sanada took the hint. “We could get warm in your bed,” he ventured.
“We’ll see,” he said, but their matching grins told a different story. “Shall we go?”
As they made the mad dash to the entrance of the zoo huddled under a paper map that didn’t make a particularly good substitute for an umbrella, Nozawa threw
in a shower or two onto his mental list of “things to do once they were home.”
Shintaro wasn’t sure what was worse. That Taiga hadn’t stuck around to follow Sanada and Nozawa home to get more pictures for his plan (which had to involve
pictures in some way because pics or it didn’t happen). That he had made Tegoshi promise that it wouldn’t rain so that Taiga could get lots of good pictures
but it had rained anyways. Or that Sanada still hadn’t apologized for dropping his DS on the floor.