[FIC] Survivors (It's our life) - Chapter 3: How to... fall in love

Feb 27, 2011 04:36

Main Characters: KinKi Kids (AU characters)
Pairing: KinKi Kids (later), for now: TsuTsu (?), Koichi/???
Rating: NC-17 (much sooner than I had expected)
Disclaimer: Don't own KinKi Kids, or anything JE-related
Warnings: Swearing, violence, sexual situations
Setting: AU

Notes: Finally my new update. *cheers* It took me longer than I expected. I think the last time I wrote a first time sex scene I said I won't write another one for wuite a while. Well, I while has passed by now, hasn't it and I'm quite happy with how this one turned out. I have to admit, though, that y feeling si quite the same again. Definitely no first time for a while now. ^^ I didn't put Koichi's pairing partner in the list, because... well, I want it to be a surprise. I really hope that I'll make quite a few people happy with this one.

Intro: Having discovered the outside world again, issues inside the camp get more urgent again. Needs, fear, desperation, anger and many other emotions well up and as you cannot exactly avoid people you're having trouble with, naturally things will get heated. Tsuyoshi feels like the world is breaking down over him and Koichi takes an unexpected chance at love.

Uchi grinned. “Oh, did the cute couple have a fight?” )

t: slash, x: drama, g: they budou, l: multi-chapter, c: yonehana tsuyoshi, c: domoto tsuyoshi, c: domoto koichi, c: matsuzaki yusuke, g: kinki kids, c: machida shingo, x: humor, c: takahashi ryu, x: romance, g: musical academy, x: angst, r: nc-17, x: au, c: uchi hiroki

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