[Multi-Chapter] Switch 10/?

Feb 26, 2011 20:42

Title: Switch

Author: andreecynthia

Chapter: 10/?

Chapter Name: Series of Events

Pairing [for this chapter]: revealed! Chinen x ?, MoriYama (friendship), TakaDai, revealed! Yabu x

Characters [FROM NOW ON]: Hey! Say! JUMP

Rating: PG - for now?

Genre: AU, fluff, (and anything else that ninjas its way in here)

Summary: Nakajima Yuto is the most popular kid in school, he has it all: the face, the skills (being that he plays drums, can sing, and is top in gym class), and money. The smartest kid in class, Yamada Ryosuke becomes his partner. So when you put the smartest kid and the most popular kid together…what do you get?

Beta: guess I’m doing this on my own.

Disclaimer: I OWN NO ONE!!! But I do own my story…since it came from my brain…and that’s mine too.

A/N: you don’t comment…I’ll feel like a total loser and go cry in the corner because I’ll think no one is reading…and eventually stop posting

A/N 2: I know, I’m incredibly late…weird, last update was early and now this update is late (super late) so GOMEN! for the lateness

A/N 3: this one is for Cwit sweet_pleione  because she updated her fic, 'Date Series' and for Riko th_geek  for finishing her fic 'Suki no Hito wa Omae' ^O^ totally love both fics!



Series of Events

g: hey! say! jump, x: fluff, c: takaki yuya, x: drama, l: multi-chapter, c: inoo kei, r: pg, c: arioka daiki, c: yabu kota, c: yaotome hikaru, c: yamada ryosuke, x: au, c: nakajima yuto, c: okamoto keito, c: chinen yuri

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