Title: Reunion
Pairing: Fujigaya/Kitayama
Rating: G
Word count: 1483
A/N: An agent AU, written for
kuro_chin's birthday two months ago.
Fujigaya Taisuke, what a surprise! - - -
Title: Others of the same kind
Characters: Yamada and some other Johnnys
Rating: G
Word count: 623
The bad side of being tiny and adorable is that no-one ever takes you seriously. - - -
Title: Trapped
Pairing: Jesse/Hokuto, although it's not that clear in the text. ^^;
Rating: G
Word count: 323
A/N: A criminal/detective AU
Jesse swallowed, trying to calm down his racing heart. - - -
Title: The first step
Pairing: Jesse/Hokuto
Rating: G
Word count: 716
A/N: A Hogwarts AU, in three different viewpoints.
You’re making an idiot of yourself - - -
Title: May Day, May Day
Rating: G
Pairing: Jesse/Hokuto
Word count: 476
A hand job! It could work! - - -
Title: Motivation
Pairing: Juri/Yasui
Rating: G
Word count: 771
A/N: Part of my "Totoro AU", not that it matters much in this particular piece.
A blank piece of paper, Juri thought with a deep sigh, was seriously a damn scary thing - - -
Title: Vocaloid 4
Rating: G
Pairing: one-sided Juri/Yasui
Word count: 1486
He looks and sounds slightly more realistic than the others and the people around Juri start to buzz about the ‘new series 4 model’. - - -
Title: Paralyze resistance with persistence
Pairing: Tanaka Juri/Kyomoto Taiga
Rating: PG
Word count: 2808
Why him? - - -
Title: One step cooler
Characters: Tatsuya, Satoshi
Rating: G
Word count: 416
A/N: The fic takes place some time after the end of the Bakaleya movie.
For ages from five to seven