Advance Notice - Friend Locking to commence soon

Nov 19, 2006 22:33

Hi everyone!

It's been awesome being able to share my Big Damn Adventure with you all! I've made a surprising amount of friends based on people who have read my blogs. And I've had a blast writing them.

I will still be blogging, but instead of exciting tales of places I haven't been to before, I'll be sharing the wackiness that is Australia. And trust me... there is much wacky!

But now that I'm home, it's going to be a little different from here on in.

I'm going to be Friend Locking many of my posts (this means you can only see them if you're on my Friends list).

So I want to give you all advance notice.

If you aren't already on my Friends list, post below and I'll add you... assuming of course that I like you ;)

If you don't have a Live Journal account and you want to continue reading my travel blogs, you will need to create one. This doesn't mean you need to blog or join in or anything like that. You just need to be on LJ. Then post your LJ username below and I'll add you... again, I'm assuming we're friends here ;)

When posting below, you might also want to remind me where I know you from so I can match up LJ names with real ones. Or you can email me this info - jenskijen [at] gmail [dot] com.

Sorry if this inconveniences anyone... but that's life!
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