The Clancys Generation 4.2

Jul 31, 2010 22:49

Last time:
Linda became a toddler
Beatrice got pregnant again
Heph FINALLY kicked the bucket
A new cat was bought (Gigi was his name now I remember!)
Beatrice gave birth to a boy named Raz
Linda grew into a kid
Raz grew into a toddler
Manny died
Raz grew into a kid

It's been a while so now where were we? Ah yes, Missie going batshit insane over losing Manny... then again this is Missie we're talking about.

Here's Manny's grave along with the rest of the family. I almost feel bad about giving him shit even in death what with not giving him a real plant for his grave. Ah well.

Uh... yeah. Believe it or not those are Midna's memories. I kind of wish Maxis took a bit of time and made a death memory for enemies, something like "Good riddance, I'm glad this jerk is gone, they've been nothing but trouble for me". I don't know it just feels weird for me to think of Midna thinking that Manny was important to her. :\

Here have some adorable childrens in matching jammies.

Linda takes some time to chat up Cecelio.

Then proceeds to invite him inside to play video games... I'm not the only one who's expecting Chris Hansen to suddenly appear around the corner right?

Well Mr. Hansen didn't show up but Grimmy did... and he's here for Midna. :(

Midna: What!? B-But I haven't beaten up Missie for the bijillionth time yet!

Grim: I don't have all night lady.

Oh hey Heph, you're early, I wasn't expecting your ghost to show up for another gen or two.

Yeah it may seem that I'm rushing a bit but keep in mind that these were taken a few months ago so yeah. ^^;

I couldn't think of anything for the kitten names, this was the best I could come up with.

Missie shows us that some rivalries outlast death itself.

We interupt the regularly scheduled challenge to bring you this picture. Hello there Sensible Hue Behr (bondchick_nett)! Please be coming back when the kids are teens (they match, it would be cute!).

We return you to the regularly scheduled awesomesauce. Headmaster visit.

Oh nice. Real nice. Stealing food from a little girl. I'm not sure I want the kids to go to your school now. >:|

They got it and I'm not sure how I feel. :\

Missie: Oh Mr. Cup, ever since Manny died, I've been so lonely. I'm lucky to have a friend like you.

Missie: WHAT!? What do you mean I'm just some batty old hag!?

Missie: M-my husband died just so he could get away from me!? How dare you ruin Manny's memory like that!

Missie: We've been friends for ages Cup! Now here you are badmouthing me and my dead husband. What do you have to say for yourself!?

Mr. Cup ...

Missie: ... Your silence speaks volumes Cup...

Missie IT. IS. OVER! *SMACK*

*Eating popcorn* I don't usually go for melodramas but this is entertaining. *Continues to eat popcorn*

Random kid on bus: Hey Linda, Raz. Ain't that your grandma?
Linda: Uh... nope, uh-uh never seen her. I think she's just the crazy... pajama lady that keeps wandering around.
Raz: Heh, heh r-right w-what Linda said, ha heh. BUS DRIVER DRIVE, DRIVE!

Woohoo! Full sports enthusiasm! Now we just need him to get full Fitness.

Linda got an A+ wooo!

It is good day. :)

Then Linda proceeds to be extra adorable as her last act as a kid.

Yup that's right, it's birthday time for Little Linda.

Pretty! Again I just wish that she got the Clancy eyes. :(

And then there were four.

Grim: Okay Missie, time to go.

Missie: Just a sec, I gotta get a piece of this cake.

Grim: Missie Clancy, it is your time, you must go now. Plus I've got a celebrity in the other town, ready to kick the bucket, we really don't have time for this!

Missie: But... but... cake! ;_;

Grim: MOVE IT!

Bye Missie, have fun in the afterlife.


Midna, what the hell?

Midna: Hey don't look at me, I'm as confused as you are.

Here is our lovely first-born, she is a fortune sim.

Wow the ghosts are very outgoing tonight, hey Manny.

This is quite possibly the happiest he has ever been, ever. Kind of sad. :\

I kind of wish that ghosts could interact more like in sims 3, what I would give to see an other-worldly fight between these two. XD

Man it feels really weird to have both grandparents gone and the current heirs aren't even near elderdom.

Linda: Hey has anyone else noticed these "ghost" things floating around?

Uh yeah Linda, they've been here a long time, two of them were here before you were born.

Linda: When did that happen!? O_o

Because I thought it would be hilarious, I had Linda get her flirt on with Sensible Hue.

Linda: Dude wouldn't it be awesome if we got married? I mean I'm part of the brown generation of my family and you're part of the brown generation of your family. It's like it was meant to be...

Sensible Hue: Bored now. Where's the cake that I was promised?
Linda: What?

Eh heh, heh oh come on Hue... don't hurt the girl's feelings. *shifty eyes*

After that bumpy start... they sort of ran into some potholes.

But the road started to go a little more smoothly...

Sort of.

But my patience was rewarded.

The next day came and the kittens ended growing up into three cats that look almost exactly the same. :\

We did get some variety though, so hope was not lost! This is Wool (I think) by the way, Cotton, Silk, and Denim were donated.

Oh hey Missie! I see that you are just as sad and pathetic in death as you were in life.

So now that at least one of the kids are teens, we can get a head start on this gen's challenge. Running a store selling only things the sim digs up.

Also this pretty much becomes a common sight. Update's almost over so here's some kitty on catnip spam (because I thought it was hilarious)


And a shot of Raz at his birthday cake.

He's looking a lot better since his toddler days, plus he's got the eyes! He seems to be a decent mix of his folks. Heir choice is going to be tough.

That's all until next time!

the awesimsauce challenge, the clancy family, pixel trade, generation 4

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